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Newspapers, meet precipice: It's the product, stupid — They call it Black Tuesday at the New York Times and Boston Globe where the layoffs come because the margins are squeezed. — The don't even have a name for the buy-outs at the defiantly anti-margin San Francisco Chronicle …

It's not the platform, redux — The minute I hit "publish" on the post below (and what an anachronistic verb that is, eh?), I started reading Bob Cauthorn's screed on the future or lack thereof for newspapers. We're singing in harmony. After predicting that large papers in the U.S …

Digital File Check is a new software tool that helps people to clean up their computers and avoid illegal file-sharing — A new campaign, endorsed by international business, calls on employers to stop copyright theft in the workplace — London, 22 September 2005 - Music fans who want be safe …

Music sites caving to pressure from labels? … Popular file-sharing site ceased operating and the New York office of another,, appeared to be closed, in the continuing legal fallout among underworld peer-to-peer music services, industry sources and users said Wednesday.

GoogleTV - undoubtedly a boon for consumers, but... GoogleTV is coming. … Is Tivo quaking in their boots? And will Hollywood embrace or fear the upcoming empowerment of consumers? — Historically, even when it's been in the entertainment industry's long-term best interests …

The Palm Treo 700w (aka Treo 670) - Exclusive first look! — Check it out: we got our hands on the new Windows Mobile-powered Treo, but it ain't called the Treo 670 anymore (if it even ever was called that), it's the Treo 700w (which implies—but doesn't guarantee—the existence of a Palm-powered Treo 700p).

How Microsoft can 'kill' Google — When Steve Ballmer yelled at a departing Microsoft employee that he would "kill Google" we had no idea just how direct a method he had in mind. Buying all or part of AOL may be the first part of the master plan, as Google relies heavily on the advertising pages …

Can Bloggers Strike It Rich? — When it comes to the profit potential of blogs, Nick Denton, founder of Gawker Media, calls himself a skeptic. — It's a surprisingly pessimistic perspective coming from the Brit who has launched a network of 13 theme blogs — including Fleshbot (porn) …

Findory RSS reader, part II — Findory just finished adding a Bloglines-like feed reader to our personalized news site. It is available on our My Favorites page. — Like most RSS readers, you can import any RSS feed and any OPML list of feeds. You also can easily import your entire list …

[berkman] Susan Crawford on One Web Day — "The popular myth is that the Internet was bult to withstand a nuclear attack, but it may not withstand the depravations of the telcos and cablecos." — Her idea: A year from today, we have an Earth Day for the Internet. No particular political agenda.

NSA granted Net location-tracking patent — The National Security Agency has obtained a patent on a method of figuring out an Internet user's geographic location. — Patent 6,947,978, granted Tuesday, describes a way to discover someone's physical location by comparing it to a "map" of Internet addresses with known locations.
A blog doesn't need …

Intel to dump numbering scheme, start new one — And there will be a contest — INTEL IS ABOUT TO DO a very good thing and dump its currently rancid naming scheme. But the problem is that the next one makes little, if any sense more. — The old new one, seemingly designed to confuse people …