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Gadgets and gizmos add spark to Demo Fall 05 — From keyboards to VoIP, technology keeps changing — HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — What would Demo Fall 05, the now bi-annual conference for the introduction of new products and services, be if it didn't have its share of gadgets and gizmos …

How Microsoft can 'kill' Google — When Steve Ballmer yelled at a departing Microsoft employee that he would "kill Google" we had no idea just how direct a method he had in mind. Buying all or part of AOL may be the first part of the master plan, as Google relies heavily on the advertising pages …

Digital File Check is a new software tool that helps people to clean up their computers and avoid illegal file-sharing — A new campaign, endorsed by international business, calls on employers to stop copyright theft in the workplace — London, 22 September 2005 - Music fans who want be safe …

Microsoft, Google Millionaires Bulldoze a New Aspen in Montana — Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) — Inside the Bulldog Saloon in Whitefish, Montana, hangs a sign that declares, ``This Ain't No Country Club.'' Tell that to the Internet millionaires in the backroom. — Regulars who gather …

CRAPPY WINE — "Socialised Media" apparachik, BBC employee Ben Metcalfe calls Stormhoek "crappy". … Give me a break. It never occurs to Ben, the bloggers could have shredded the wine to pieces just as easily. He doesn't mention that. — What frustrates Ben about the Stormhoek meme, I suspect, is that it's actually working.

Diller Says Ask Jeeves Will Rebrand as — Thanks to SearchViews and SEOBook for pointing us to The article: Diller Sacks the Butler. It reports on comments made today by IAC/InterActive CEO, Barry Dillerm about the future of one of his newest employees, Mr. Jeeves.

Google WiFi Client Explained — Following my previous post, a lot of you (thanks!) sent me information about where all you were using the client. Given the different locations, I guess this is "general availablity" for now. A dozen of you sent me some special thoughts.

GoogleTV - undoubtedly a boon for consumers, but... GoogleTV is coming. … Is Tivo quaking in their boots? And will Hollywood embrace or fear the upcoming empowerment of consumers? — Historically, even when it's been in the entertainment industry's long-term best interests …
Search Engine Watch Blog

Google Made Opera Browser Free — A couple of months ago, I had a chance to interview Jon von Tetzchner, chief executive officer and co-founder of Oslo-based Opera Software, for Business 2.0 Titans of Tech series. What attracted me the most about his company was that it had customers paying for something …

Can Bloggers Strike It Rich? — When it comes to the profit potential of blogs, Nick Denton, founder of Gawker Media, calls himself a skeptic. — It's a surprisingly pessimistic perspective coming from the Brit who has launched a network of 13 theme blogs — including Fleshbot (porn) …
The Blog Herald

Putting crowd wisdom to work — At Google, we're constantly trying to find new ways to organize the world's information, including information relevant to our business. Building on the ideas of Friedrich Hayek and the Iowa Electronic Markets, a few Googlers (Doug Banks, Patri Friedman …

Vonage weighs up possible sale — Vonage, the private internet telephony start-up, is being encouraged to consider a sale while it presses ahead with plans for an initial public offering. — UBS and Deutsche Bank, the investment banks chosen by Vonage to underwrite its stock market listing …