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Newspapers, meet precipice: It's the product, stupid — They call it Black Tuesday at the New York Times and Boston Globe where the layoffs come because the margins are squeezed. — The don't even have a name for the buy-outs at the defiantly anti-margin San Francisco Chronicle …

It's not the platform, redux — The minute I hit "publish" on the post below (and what an anachronistic verb that is, eh?), I started reading Bob Cauthorn's screed on the future or lack thereof for newspapers. We're singing in harmony. After predicting that large papers in the U.S …

GoogleTV - undoubtedly a boon for consumers, but... GoogleTV is coming. … Is Tivo quaking in their boots? And will Hollywood embrace or fear the upcoming empowerment of consumers? — Historically, even when it's been in the entertainment industry's long-term best interests …

How Microsoft can 'kill' Google — When Steve Ballmer yelled at a departing Microsoft employee that he would "kill Google" we had no idea just how direct a method he had in mind. Buying all or part of AOL may be the first part of the master plan, as Google relies heavily on the advertising pages …

The coolest player in town — Apple's chief executive Steve Jobs, the man behind the iPod phenomenon, gives an exclusive interview to Bobbie Johnson about his drive to make technology simple — In a parallel world, Steve Jobs could have been a poker player with a reputation as a cool hand.

Apple's Jobs: Microsoft and Dell copy us but won't beat the iPod

What is Blogging (Robert): — Blogging is webpage done is reverse chronological order. Can be done by a single person, or a group of people - can be argued. — Blogging got hot: easy to publish, discoverability, easy to see others linking to you, categorized, and syndication.

MSFT Webcast on Blogs and RSS
The Unofficial Microsoft …

Can Bloggers Strike It Rich? — When it comes to the profit potential of blogs, Nick Denton, founder of Gawker Media, calls himself a skeptic. — It's a surprisingly pessimistic perspective coming from the Brit who has launched a network of 13 theme blogs — including Fleshbot (porn) …

Findory RSS reader, part II — Findory just finished adding a Bloglines-like feed reader to our personalized news site. It is available on our My Favorites page. — Like most RSS readers, you can import any RSS feed and any OPML list of feeds. You also can easily import your entire list …

CRAPPY WINE — "Socialised Media" apparachik, BBC employee Ben Metcalfe calls Stormhoek "crappy". … Give me a break. It never occurs to Ben, the bloggers could have shredded the wine to pieces just as easily. He doesn't mention that. — What frustrates Ben about the Stormhoek meme, I suspect, is that it's actually working.

Microsoft, Google Millionaires Bulldoze a New Aspen in Montana — Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) — Inside the Bulldog Saloon in Whitefish, Montana, hangs a sign that declares, ``This Ain't No Country Club.'' Tell that to the Internet millionaires in the backroom. — Regulars who gather …

Digital File Check is a new software tool that helps people to clean up their computers and avoid illegal file-sharing — A new campaign, endorsed by international business, calls on employers to stop copyright theft in the workplace — London, 22 September 2005 - Music fans who want be safe …

Google Made Opera Browser Free — A couple of months ago, I had a chance to interview Jon von Tetzchner, chief executive officer and co-founder of Oslo-based Opera Software, for Business 2.0 Titans of Tech series. What attracted me the most about his company was that it had customers paying for something …

Dreaming of an Atom Store: A Database for the Web — After a year of work — two if you count the work done before the AtomPub WG was formed — the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) is moving closer to being done. There are still parts that are unspecified, and other parts of the protocol are under debate even now.

Gadgets and gizmos add spark to Demo Fall 05 — From keyboards to VoIP, technology keeps changing — HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — What would Demo Fall 05, the now bi-annual conference for the introduction of new products and services, be if it didn't have its share of gadgets and gizmos …