Top Items:

Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail — Companies will soon have to buy the electronic equivalent of a postage stamp if they want to be certain that their e-mail will be delivered to many of their customers. — America Online and Yahoo, two of the world's largest providers of e-mail accounts …
A VC, A View from the Isle, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Rough Type, Micro Persuasion, Microsoft News Tracker and Boing Boing

Track your comments, no matter where you make them — Let's say you track 10 blogs and you regularly post comments on all 10 blogs. Isn't it a pain in the behind that you have to go around to each of the 10 blogs to participate in the comments? — Well, minutes ago Laurent Haug showed us a service …
It's Rishi,,, Things That and Ross Mayfield's Weblog

CoComment: Tracking Your Blog Comments — CoComment is experimenting with a new way for people to keep track of all of the comments they leave on various blogs. — To use CoComment, a user must install a bookmarklet on their browser and use that bookmarklet, instead of the blog interface, to leave a comment.

I've had better conversations with corpses — Look, I'm partially converted. When I started this blog, I was 70% sceptic, 30% enthusiast in regard to the potential and power of the blogosphere. These days, I'd just about flip those percentages. — Still, every now and again …
Don Dodge on The Next …, michael parekh on IT,, The Intuitive Life … and TechCrunch

German BMW Banned From Google — as seen from Google: — PageRank zero and a "sorry" page. — From what it looks like, the German websites of car maker BMW have been kicked out of the Google index. at this time has a PageRank of 0. A search for BMW Germany …

Increasingly, Internet's Data Trail Leads to Court — Who is sending threatening e-mail to a teenager? Who is saying disparaging things about a company on an Internet message board? Who is communicating online with a suspected drug dealer? — These questions, and many more like them …
VoIP Blog

Goodbye to All This — What a Long, Opinionated Trip It's Been — Over the course of my nearly 10 years as Outlook editor, I witnessed the demise of the mass media. — Oh, there's plenty of media — more than ever before. And there's plenty of mass — readers consume more information in more ways than ever before.
Bloggers Blog

First Take: 30 Boxes — I am joining in the chorus of praise for 30 Boxes (along with Scoble, Thomas Hawk (who calls it the best calendar ever), Matt Mullenweg, and Om, who called 30 boxes the gmail of calendars) even though I have only fooled with it for a few hours.

Microsoft Search Champs: Payola or just a good conference? — Our geeky sister was one of over 50 techies invited to Microsoft Search Champs V4. Attendees in the company's Redmond base heard about the new technologies in Vista. And the "Evil Empire" was quite kind to its visitors.

Introducing Weblog Empire v2 — Just a quick introduction and an invite to all Blog Herald readers to the reincarnation of Weblog Empire, this time as a blog link exchange forum. — The forum can be visited here: — — The idea is simple.

Inventions Inc. — BURLINGAME, CALIF. - Last summer, Bill Gates announced he wanted his Microsoft employees to increase the patents the company receives per year by 50%. That has yet to pan out: By the end of 2005, the company had increased patent output by only 18%.

Feedback on IE7 Beta 2 from the Developer of FeedDemon — As most readers probably know by now, the second beta of Internet Explorer 7 is out, and it offers some nice improvements such as tabbed browsing and feed reading. I'm far too biased to comment on the actual feed reading experience in IE7 …

Cable companies fear the approach of IPTV — In the flip side of the stories coming out about giant IP service providers worrying over squeezing more profits, the world of cable television has started to wonder if their future revenue might suffer from the rise of Internet Protocol Television, or IPTV.
VoIP Now

Samsonite Laptop Pillow — Not quite the pillow we were expecting, but then why would luggage specialist Samsonite make a bedtime accessory? — By applying memory foam to computer protection, Samsonite says it's paving the way for a new era of laptop carriers and messenger bags designed …

The Effective Emailer — Because of my recent post about schmoozing, you might think I'm a warm, fuzzy, and kumbaya kind of Guy. Most of the time I am, but I have strong feelings about email etiquette and what it takes to get your email read—and answered.

What's Your Post to Comment/Trackback Ratio? — Awhile ago, (Before Stowe started begging for links to his new blog. Click that. It's too funny.) I posted about my blog to comment ratio. It was 0.9. — Now, it is: — Posts: 1694 | Comments: 2245 | TrackBacks: 339

Rumor: Diablo III On the Way? You Better Believe It! — It looks like the Diablo III rumor mill has started up once again with a seemingly innocent post on the jobs section of the Blizzard web site. A few days ago they posted a job for an art director and various leads to join …

Internet VC Activity in India — InfoEdge, which owns some of India's hottest Internet properties including the largest job portal, Real Estate search engine, and matrimonial site Jeevan Sathi has got funding from KPCB and Ram Shriram of Sherpalo Ventures.

Gaming glamour tempts tennis pro — Technology Correspondent, BBC News website — Scotsman David Kinnaird is swapping his tennis racket for a railgun. — A keen gamer, Mr Kinnaird has packed in life as a pro-tennis player to try to make it in the world of professional computer gaming.