Top Items:

Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail — Companies will soon have to buy the electronic equivalent of a postage stamp if they want to be certain that their e-mail will be delivered to many of their customers. — America Online and Yahoo, two of the world's largest providers of e-mail accounts …

Increasingly, Internet's Data Trail Leads to Court — Who is sending threatening e-mail to a teenager? Who is saying disparaging things about a company on an Internet message board? Who is communicating online with a suspected drug dealer? — These questions, and many more like them …
VoIP Blog

The Memeorandum Hunters — I've written about two new real-time news aggregators today, Megite and Newroo. — The space is clearly hot, with both funded and unfunded companies rushing to release products. The goal? Leverage all of the great edge blog content out there …

The Rise of the Memetrackers — Has Memeorandum got competition? Over the last few months, a number of services have sprung up to help us find the most talked-about news of the moment. Time for a check-up on the state of the memeosphere... Memeorandum - If you're into tech or US politics, Memeorandum is unbeatable.

The Conversational Index for blogs — Microsoft Emerging Business Team — The Conversational Index for blogs — Stowe Boyd has introduced the notion of a Conversational Index to measure the effectiveness of blogs. I agree completely with Stowe on this.

Samsonite Laptop Pillow — Not quite the pillow we were expecting, but then why would luggage specialist Samsonite make a bedtime accessory? — By applying memory foam to computer protection, Samsonite says it's paving the way for a new era of laptop carriers and messenger bags designed …

Our Internet, Up for Grabs … The modest hyperbole in this commentary should not distract you from its essential truth: The cable and phone companies are truly out to turn the Net into their own collection of walled gardens. They have purchased a compliant Congress, and the more centralized …

Introducing Weblog Empire v2 — Just a quick introduction and an invite to all Blog Herald readers to the reincarnation of Weblog Empire, this time as a blog link exchange forum. — The forum can be visited here: — — The idea is simple.

Inventions Inc. — BURLINGAME, CALIF. - Last summer, Bill Gates announced he wanted his Microsoft employees to increase the patents the company receives per year by 50%. That has yet to pan out: By the end of 2005, the company had increased patent output by only 18%.

Alt Weeklies, San Francisco, Curiosity, and Bulls**t — I was startled by this phenomenally wrong-headed editorial in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Tim Redmond exposes his insecurities by arguing that Craig Newmark's work in Craigslist doesn't build communities because it threatens the business models of alt weeklies.

Daisy 1.4 released — Outerthought proudly announces the immediate release of version 1.4 of its flagship open source CMS Daisy, which now has become the only open source CMS to support book-quality publishing, making Daisy a supreme choice for software manual production and knowledge management applications …

Rumor: Diablo III On the Way? You Better Believe It! — It looks like the Diablo III rumor mill has started up once again with a seemingly innocent post on the jobs section of the Blizzard web site. A few days ago they posted a job for an art director and various leads to join …

Google to Acquire World — At least according to this article in the Times of London (which presumably is read by the Werewolves of London). — I don't even know where to start, so let's take this story paragraph by paragraph. — Google is working on a project to create its own global internet protocol (IP) network...

Hey bloggers — MSFT doesn't care about you — Many of the reviews and comments about the new beta of Microsoft's Internet [Exploder] Explorer, IE7, have focused on the RSS implementation. Adam Green at got everybody's attention when he said that he thought the browser …

Newbie's Guide to Asterisk@Home 2.5: Unabridged Soup-to-Nuts Installation Guide — Want a rock-solid PBX at a rock-bottom price: free! Well, it's been two days since our tutorial on AAH 2.4 but here we go again! Asterisk@Home 2.5 has hit the street because of another serious bug-fix release of Asterisk.

VMware moves to free with Server product — As anticipated, VMware has created a free version of its server partitioning software in the hopes of drawing new customers to its technology. In addition, the move counters open source rival XenSource, which gives away core server virtualization technology known as a hypervisor.

Mobile phone tracking, girlfriend stalking and the law — A service has launched in the UK which allows you to track any mobile phone around the globe and follow its movements from your own computer. The Guardian ran a feature on it yesterday called 'How I stalked my girlfriend'. It painted a scary picture.
Donna's SecurityFlash

Phones of Greek, U.S., officals tapped — ATHENS, Greece — Mobile phones belonging to top Greek military and government officials - including the prime minister - and the U.S. embassy were tapped for nearly a year beginning in the weeks before the 2004 Olympic games, the government said Thursday.
Schneier on Security

Tomb Raider: Legend — Published by Eidos and developed by Crystal Dynamics — TBC players, Autumn 2006. — The first lady of computing vaults, spins, poses and pouts her way onto the Xbox 360 — But has she learnt from recent failures? — Lara steps gingerly onto the stone walkway.

Games that stick it to 'The Man' — Big corporations beware: Some video game developers are on a mission to skewer your reputation. — For several years, hard-core game players have complained that big consumer brands are increasingly being featured in their virtual game worlds.
Fresh Inc.