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IE 7 bugs abound — update People didn't lose any time in finding bugs in the latest preview release of Internet Explorer 7. — It's been but a day since Microsoft publicly released a test version of Internet Explorer 7, but Internet news groups and blogs are already teeming with bug reports.

Reviews of IE7 Beta 2 Preview - will be threat to Mozilla and RSS Aggregators — Some brave developers have downloaded the IE7 Beta 2 Preview and are beginning to report back their findings. The main new features in IE7 are tabs, RSS integration and improved security.

Feds Blast Tech Firms on China — Congressional caucus launches blistering assault on absent tech firms as the debate on China begins. — The tone of the debate between the U.S. government and U.S. technology companies Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Cisco Systems on the subject of Internet freedom …
Good Morning Silicon Valley

Politicos attack tech firms over China — WASHINGTON—Politicians on Wednesday attacked Google, Microsoft, Cisco Systems and Yahoo for declining to appear at a briefing about China's Internet censorship and called for a new law to outlaw compliance with such requirements.
SearchViews, Boing Boing,, John Palfrey, Google Blogoscoped, Search Engine Watch Blog and Library Autonomous Zone

Valleywag FAQ — 1. What is Valleywag? — Valleywag is a tech gossip rag, focusing mainly on the people and stories of San Francisco and Silicon Valley. — 2. But Silicon Valley's far too dull and serious for gossip. — Yes, that's been the general consensus.

Is Verizon a Network Hog? — The telecommunications giant wants to devote most of its capacity to its own traffic, to Internet companies' dismay — Last November, Vinton G. Cerf wrote a letter of warning to Congress. The legendary computer scientist, now a vice-president at Google (GOOG) …

Dabble Dabble — It has been a busy week already! I have been furiously reporting for my next story for the magazine. Somedays it is a challenge to switch gears from reporting for a trend piece to blogging. I have fallen behind on some of the broadband stuff, but hopefully will catch up by end of the week.
Download Squad, Blogspotting, Connecting the Dots, Under the Radar, Napsterization and Message

30 Boxes, Best... Calender... EVER! — Let the ajaxification of your life continue! Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit down with a group of bloggers and technologists for a discussion about how we use calendaring as well as view a preview of 83 Degree's latest project 30 Boxes …

CBS to sell new 'Survivor' episodes on own site — Digital media chief says network likely to offer other shows for download — NEW YORK - New episodes of the popular "Survivor" reality television series will be made available for download directly from CBS's Web site for $1.99 per episode …

Interview with Digg founder Kevin Rose, Part 1 — Yesterday I interviewed digg founder Kevin Rose to discuss digg's popularity, its battle with spammers, the recent issues with GroupThink and digg's upcoming personalization features. This is the first of a two-part article presenting that interview.

Verizon Blesses Phone-As-Modem Plans — Verizon Wireless has changed its policy and will now let subscribers use several popular phones as high-speed modems for their laptops, company representatives confirmed Thursday. — The shift represents a major policy change for Verizon …

Budde Outlines Yahoo News Future — YAHOO NEWS HAS ADDED THE weekly advice columnist, Margo Howard, to its short roster of writer/journalists. The news site has also undergone a mild restructuring, featuring popular video more prominently on its home page.

ON NEWSPAPERS NOW WANTING GOOGLE TO PAY — Well, a third industry is getting in line after telcos and book publishers wanting Google (and other search companies) to cut themselves in on a piece of the business model action around online paid-search adverting. As CNET reports:
Things That, The Stalwart, InsideGoogle, The Ponderings of Woodrow and Center for Citizen Media

Mark Burnett Makes AOL Game — Online treasure hunt will provide web-based reality series across portal's sites. — America Online has teamed up with Mark Burnett, creator of the reality series Survivor and The Apprentice, to create an online treasure hunt called Gold Rush!
Things That

Your Labels, Your Way — Reader has supported labels since the very beginning, but they haven't always been easy to get to. To make them more accessible, we've added a drop-down menu at the top of the page, allowing you to get to any of your labels with just a couple of clicks.