Top Items:

Is Verizon a Network Hog? — The telecommunications giant wants to devote most of its capacity to its own traffic, to Internet companies' dismay — Last November, Vinton G. Cerf wrote a letter of warning to Congress. The legendary computer scientist, now a vice-president at Google (GOOG) …

Reviews of IE7 Beta 2 Preview - will be threat to Mozilla and RSS Aggregators — Some brave developers have downloaded the IE7 Beta 2 Preview and are beginning to report back their findings. The main new features in IE7 are tabs, RSS integration and improved security.

IE7 beta: Read the fine print
SearchViews, Mark Evans, Search Engine Journal, InsideMicrosoft, larry borsato and BetaNews

Slip-up spills beans on Dell notebooks — update Apparent specifications for Dell's future notebooks were briefly exposed by Google's search engine Tuesday, before the spreadsheet was removed from a Dell FTP site and from Google's cache. — The basic configurations for the Dell Inspiron e1405 …

How to evade Google search — Dell apparently learned the hard way this week that companies have to be careful to ensure that information they store on the Internet that they want to keep hidden is not automatically added to a search engine index for everyone on the Web to see.

Pigeons get backpacks for air pollution monitoring — LONDON (Reuters) - A flock of pigeons fitted with mobile phone backpacks is to be used to monitor air pollution, New Scientist magazine reported on Wednesday. — The 20 pigeons will be released into the skies over San Jose, California, in August.

Interview with Digg founder Kevin Rose, Part 1 — Yesterday I interviewed digg founder Kevin Rose to discuss digg's popularity, its battle with spammers, the recent issues with GroupThink and digg's upcoming personalization features. This is the first of a two-part article presenting that interview.

BitTorrent Client Shootout — Michael Calore is Webmonkey's editor in chief and the ringleader of Snackfight. He spends his spare moments cultivating bamboo and re-organizing his iPod. His favorite film is Rockers. — Over the past year or two, I have received a small flood of e-mail from readers asking about BitTorrent.

Your Labels, Your Way — Reader has supported labels since the very beginning, but they haven't always been easy to get to. To make them more accessible, we've added a drop-down menu at the top of the page, allowing you to get to any of your labels with just a couple of clicks.

Craigslist's laid-back approach to success — NEW YORK—Online classified-ad site Craigslist isn't your typical Internet company, and CEO Jim Buckmaster isn't your average media mogul. — While other CEOs in the fast-paced technology market are driven by growing revenue and guard their turf …

Subscriber credit data distributed by mistake — Globe, Worcester paper affected — Credit and bank card numbers of as many as 240,000 subscribers of The Boston Globe and Worcester Telegram & Gazette were inadvertently distributed with bundles of T&G newspapers on Sunday, officials of the newspapers said yesterday.

Open Letter to the LAPD and LASD — Sean Bonner: — OK, this isn't so much of an open letter as it is an open request. Please read the comments on this post. And please take a look at this site. Search for "LAFD" on this site and see the countless other posts praising them for their openess and communication.

Microsoft flooded with IE7 bug reports — Bug reports and security warnings have started pouring in just hours after Microsoft released a second public beta of its forthcoming Internet Explorer 7 browser. — Security researcher Tom Ferris exposed a vulnerability that causes the application …

Interview: Josh Robinson — Josh Robinson's review of PS3 development cost him his job at Sony. We caught up with him to talk about life after his few minutes of gaming fame. — FULL STORY: — We had a chance to chat with Josh Robinson, the former Sony 3D artist who shook up the gaming media …

ON NEWSPAPERS NOW WANTING GOOGLE TO PAY — Well, a third industry is getting in line after telcos and book publishers wanting Google (and other search companies) to cut themselves in on a piece of the business model action around online paid-search adverting. As CNET reports:

Mark Burnett Makes AOL Game — Online treasure hunt will provide web-based reality series across portal's sites. — America Online has teamed up with Mark Burnett, creator of the reality series Survivor and The Apprentice, to create an online treasure hunt called Gold Rush!

Microsoft Amends Its Policy for Shutting Down Blogs — Microsoft unveiled new company guidelines yesterday intended to spell out how it will deal with government censorship demands, in China and anywhere it does business, and limit the impact of its compliance.
Smart Mobs

Netflixs Dreams of Video on Demand — Om Malik on Broadband Does Netflix Still Dream of Downloads? Previously, as reported here, TiVo and Neflix announced a partnership and then subsequently the partnership was seemingly dropped. Now Om is raising the question as to whether or not Netflix …

Bigdaddy progress update — In case you don't want to download a 70 megabyte audio file, here's the latest on Bigdaddy. Bigdaddy continues to roll out and is now available at three data centers. In addition to and, Bigdaddy is now up at

Just Say No(thing) — Months after he sparked off a debate over network neutrality, SBC/AT&T chairman and chief executive, Ed Whitacre, is again making threatening (and very confusing) noises. In a chat with the Financial Times he said: … This is a different tact from the first time around.

Imagining the Google Future — Top experts help us plot four scenarios that show where the company's geniuses may be leading it—and, perhaps, all of us. — (Business 2.0) - We all know that the company Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded a mere eight years ago is one of the new century's most cunning enterprises.