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Google Releases Upgraded Toolbar — Google has enhanced its toolbar for Internet Explorer, introducing several new features that will appeal to regular users of the program. — The new features include enhanced "suggestions" that appear on the fly as you type a query …

Google Bookmarks — Google just introduced version 4 of Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer including support for centralized bookmark tagging and notation from multiple computers. The new feature allows any toolbar user with a Google account to store bookmarks within their Google search history for synchronization and editing.

Bubble 2.0 Is a Bubble in Media — There is a bubble in the tech industry, but it has nothing to do with the behavior of venture capital, as so many people are discussing. There's a bubble because the tech industry is trying to be the new media industry, and very few people …
Paul Kedrosky's …, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Mark Evans, The Blackfriars Blog, Lloyd@work and Weblogsky


Microsoft Would Put Poor Online by Cellphone — DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 29 — It sounds like a project that just about any technology-minded executive could get behind: distributing durable, cheap laptop computers in the developing world to help education.
Scobleizer, Techdirt, Microsoft News Tracker, TeleRead, IP Democracy and Brian Sullivan's Random …

Dual-Booting Windows XP on a Macintel — The Problems — The modified Darwin Bootloader is made for EFI w/ EFI supporting operating systems — OK... So step by step. — Where is the BIOS used? For what? How? — The OS sends low-level calls to the BIOS that tell it exactly how to deal with the hardware.

Steve Jobs' Magic Kingdom — How Apple's demanding visionary will shake up Disney and the world of entertainment — Early on a July workday in 1997, Jim McCluney, then head of Apple's worldwide operations got the call. McCluney was summoned with other top brass of the beleaguered company …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Q&A with Jim Allchin of Microsoft — Talk about a swan song. — Retiring Windows boss Jim Allchin is putting final touches on software that could finally help people start feeling safe and secure using a PC, if all goes according to plan. — Allchin gave an overview last week of Windows Vista …

Warner Bros. to Try File Sharing Of Films, TV Shows in Germany — In a move that shows Hollywood is examining the benefits of a technology it long reviled, Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. is expected to announce today that it will sell movies and television shows online in Germany using peer-to-peer technology.

Science Puts Enron E-Mail to Use — In March 2001, just a few months before Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling resigned, an employee e-mailed him a joke about a policeman pulling over a speeding driver, whose wife subsequently rats him out to the cop for other offenses, including being drunk.

Traditional Venture Capital Sure Seems Broken - It's About Time — The traditional venture capital model formula in technology was simple from 1945 to 1995. It was a form of arbitrage based on two scarcities — risk capital and understanding of technology. — Starting in 1995 the scarcity of both these drivers began to disappear.

Disrupting Venture Capital with UDDT
Anne 2.0, Ensight, Venture Chronicles, Techdirt, The Doc Searls Weblog, Newsome.Org and

Behind the scenes in the RIM/NTP patent war — If you thought theBlackberry patent battle between RIM and NTP was just a fight between a successful wireless company and a greedy patentfarmer, this lengthy article from the Toronto Globe and Mail may be an eye-opener.

A Picture Says 1000 Words About Google's Censorship In China — Plenty are writing and writing about Google's agreement to censor results for China. But pictures perhaps better illustrate the differences that Google now endorses. — Google Images Censors Too in China from Google Blogoscoped shows …
Search Engine Roundtable

IBM sets DB2 database free … IBM on Monday introduced a free version of its DB2 database, a move designed to win software developers over to its products. — DB2 Express-C is the same database as IBM's commercial offerings but the company places limits on what kind of hardware it can run on.
Microsoft News Tracker

How Much Did Google Agree to Censor? — How much does Google self-censor (or "filter", as they call it) in China? We don't know exactly, as Google doesn't tell us so far. — What we do know is that the Chinese gov't handed Google some sort of list of sites which should be censored.

FOCUS: Blogs by Olympics participants to be banned+ — (Japan Economic Newswire Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)TOKYO, Jan. 30_(Kyodo) _ The Japanese Olympic Committee is telling athletes competing at the Turin Winter Olympic Games not to open web logs because the Olympic Charter bans athletes …

Google logo redesigned by Students for Free Tibet — Inspired by Xeni's post about Google's active role in the supression of information in China, Han Shan sent us this graphic from The Students for a Free Tibet, showing Google's logo over a sniper-and-barbed-wire checkpoint. JPEG Link

Congressional staff actions prompt Wikipedia investigation — Edits by Massachusetts congressman Marty Meehan's staff on his Wikipedia article spurred a Lowell Sun story and a subsequent Wikipedia investigation of all Internet addresses assigned to the Congress of the United States.

Exemption for government BlackBerry users riles others facing shutdown — 'They're sticking it to private business,' says one CIO — JANUARY 26, 2006 (COMPUTERWORLD) - Government workers and emergency personnel would be exempt from a possible shutdown of BlackBerry wireless e-mail service in the U.S. …