Top Items:

Google Releases Upgraded Toolbar — Google has enhanced its toolbar for Internet Explorer, introducing several new features that will appeal to regular users of the program. — The new features include enhanced "suggestions" that appear on the fly as you type a query …

Bookmarks integrated into Google Toolbar — Google added bookmarks to version 4 of its Internet Explorer Toolbar (note that this is not available for their Firefox Toolbar). Google Bookmarks have been available since October on the Google site, but were not integrated into the toolbar until now.

Google Bookmarks — Google just introduced version 4 of Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer including support for centralized bookmark tagging and notation from multiple computers. The new feature allows any toolbar user with a Google account to store bookmarks within their Google search history for synchronization and editing.

Dual-Booting Windows XP on a Macintel — The Problems — The modified Darwin Bootloader is made for EFI w/ EFI supporting operating systems — OK... So step by step. — Where is the BIOS used? For what? How? — The OS sends low-level calls to the BIOS that tell it exactly how to deal with the hardware.

Microsoft Would Put Poor Online by Cellphone — DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 29 — It sounds like a project that just about any technology-minded executive could get behind: distributing durable, cheap laptop computers in the developing world to help education.

Bubble 2.0 Is a Bubble in Media — There is a bubble in the tech industry, but it has nothing to do with the behavior of venture capital, as so many people are discussing. There's a bubble because the tech industry is trying to be the new media industry, and very few people …
Alex Barnett blog, Paul Kedrosky's …,, Lloyd@work and

China risks reverse censorship-it could be cut off from vital information — Should US companies such as Google acquiesce to the censorship requirements of foreign governments? Dan Farber and colleagues write about Bill Gate's defense of China's actions. — I do know that we all can …

Tello Explained — Last week a rocking big story broke in the Wall Street Journal about Tello, a company that has extremely deep roots in VoIP, especially when you realize that the essence of the company is Presence, and the person who has been championing presence almost as long as he has been championing VoIP is Jeff Pulver.
Alec Saunders .LOG

Seeing Fakes, Angry Traders Confront EBay — SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28 — A year ago Jacqui Rogers, a retiree in southern Oregon who dabbles in vintage costume jewelry, went on eBay and bought 10 butterfly brooches made by Weiss, a well-known maker of high-quality costume jewelry in the 1950's and 1960's.

ESPN Finds Selling Ads on iTunes is a Bad Idea — It's only been a day since ESPN started selling their cute "This is Sports Center" Ads on iTunes, but already they are getting a big thumbs down from consumers. So far 23 reviewers have weighed in and the collection has amassed a piddly one-star rating out of a possible five.

The Mobile Phone Rings: You're Fired! — Most young Europeans would choose SMS over their phone service, if they had to pick one — Feb. 6, 2006 issue - Are you afraid of storms, bursting levees and killer tsunamis? Hold on to your cell phone-it may soon be warning you of impending catastrophe.

Not Just Another Column About Blogging — What newspaper history says about newspaper future. — Six months ago, I stumbled upon a brilliant 16,241-word paper about press consolidation, and it didn't occur to me until this week, while attending yet another blogger conference, how to spin it into a column.

My Friend Dave — Dave, I thank you for this post. Here it is, first-day morning and I'm blowing off another Quaker meeting due to rainy weather, a mild cold, things to do, and the fact that I'm not a great Friend I guess. What better circumstances to reflect on what it means to be lower-case "f" friend?

London's AIM Calls To US VC Community — As the number of venture capital-backed IPOs in the US has nosedived-due in large part to burdensome costs and strictures imposed by Sarbanes-Oxley-the London Stock Exchange's AIM has emerged as an aggressive alternative for venture capital firms angling …
The Stalwart

DOJ May One Day Try to Break Up Google — In chapter eight John Battelle's incredible book, The Search, he astutely predicted that Google would increasingly fall under the watchful eye of the US government. As we saw earlier this month, John was right. The US government requested aggregate search data …

Debate: Major IPs as MMORPGs [ page 1 of 1 ] — Debate: Should Major IPs (Intellectual Properties) Be Made Into MMORPGs? — Editor's Introduction: We change up the authors - although full credit for topic choice goes to Frank and Garrett who will return next week - but the debate continues.