Top Items:

Yahoo Introduces a Site on Consumer Technology — In one of its first major efforts to build a Web site with original material, Yahoo will introduce today a site devoted to consumer technology. — The site, called Yahoo Tech (, will feature blogs on technology and a weekly video program.

Yahoo Guns for CNET Reviews — Yahoo Tech launched tonight, taking clear aim at the massively popular CNET Reviews property. — The best way to get a quick understanding of the site is to take the tour, also linked from the home page. Yahoo Tech is providing content about technology products …
CyberNet Technology News

Yahoo Tech Vertical Finally Launches; Consumer — And Ad — Focused [by Rafat] — It is the new tech vertical Yahoo had been working for some time is more consumer focused (helping make buying decisions), and takes on the consumer sites owned by CNET and others.

New Microsoft Browser Raises Google's Hackles — With a $10 billion advertising market at stake, Google, the fast-rising Internet star, is raising objections to the way that it says Microsoft, the incumbent powerhouse of computing, is wielding control over Internet searching in its new Web browser.

Google Dumped by Amazon's Alexa for MSN Live: Google Dump #1 — From Aaron Wall at Thread Watch comes word that MSN Live is now powering Alexa's (update: AND A9's) search results instead of Google, the previous partner: Alexa Powered by Microsoft. — Alexa results were previously Google results informed …

Amazon Drops Google From A9 And Alexa
Rough Type

The Web's Million-Dollar Typos — Google Inc., which runs the largest ad network on the Internet, is making millions of dollars a year by filling otherwise unused Web sites with ads. In many instances, these ad-filled pages appear when users mistype an Internet address, such as ""

a bigger pond — I'm thinking seriously about ditching python in favor of C# as my main programming language. — That's a hard thing to say, because it means walking away from the codebase I've been tinkering with for the past six years. But maybe that's a good thing.
Don Dodge on The Next …

POND ENVY — Michal Wallace: The other main advantage is the huge number of developers. Thanks to Microsoft's reach, .NET is a much bigger pond than python. I can hire .NET developers anywhere, or if i want, I can get a job as a .NET developer. (The Java pond is bigger still, but Java always felt clunky to me.)

Vista feature will enhance online newspaper reading — Even if you're reading All the News That's Fit to Print on an ultra-mobile computer, it may soon look and feel the same way it does spread out with your morning coffee — minus the ink-stained fingers, perhaps.
Guardian Unlimited, The Unofficial Microsoft …, Scobleizer,, Andre, michael parekh on IT and TeleRead

WEB 2.0 AND SOA: CONTRIVED OR CONVERGING? — It's been quite a week of discussion on Web 2.0 and its applicability to the enterprise. John Hagel did quite a write-up at the beginning of the week that was subsequently picked up by quite a number of folks (Nick Carr, Joe McKendrick, Dave Orchard, and Jason Kolb) including myself.

State of the Blogosphere, April 2006 Part 2: On Language and Tagging — Late last month, I gave a high-level overview of the growth of the blogosphere, covering the overall size of the data sets that Technorati tracks, the number of new blogs created each day, the number of posts per day, and the issue of splogs or spam blogs.
Make Money Online …

The myth of "keeping up" — Do you have a stack of books, journals, manuals, articles, API docs, and blog printouts that you think you'll get to? That you think you need to read? Now, based on past experience, what are the odds you'll get to all of it? Half of it? Any of it? (except for maybe the Wired magazine)

Drupal 4.7.0 released — After more than a year of development we are ready to release Drupal 4.7.0 to the world. More than five years, 13 major releases, 30+ servicing firms employing 100+ Drupal professionals, 300+ third party modules, and over 55,000+ Drupal powered sites later, Drupal 4.7.0 is finally here and it rocks!

AOL: A Punching Bag in Need of a Big Hit — TIME WARNER will announce its first-quarter results on Wednesday, the first since the Icahn Insurgency against the company fizzled. Aside from a renewed enthusiasm for cable television — one of Time Warner's myriad businesses …
Message, The Pondering Primate, The Jason Calacanis Weblog, IP Democracy and michael parekh on IT

Securing a User-Created Metaverse — About two weeks ago, we asked the question, Will Second Life Ever Be Safe? That day may come, but it hasn't yet arrived. As noted in the previous post here, the virtual world of Second Life was today hit by yet another attack that necessitated Linden Lab's closing …

So what's IMS all about? — I can't begin to articulate all the depth and breadth of IP Multimedia Subsytems (IMS). It's another complexx technology area that means different things to different people. — I bring it up because here in our VoIP-centric world, we view our niche as the leading, cutting edge in many ways.

Napster Goes Free — Well sort of. I think I'd interpret this as a well-executed, aggressive free trial strategy rather than Napster business model version 3. But I could be wrong. — Online users who try out a paid content service in a free trial are six times more likely to convert to paying customers than those who don't.