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Vista feature will enhance online newspaper reading — Even if you're reading All the News That's Fit to Print on an ultra-mobile computer, it may soon look and feel the same way it does spread out with your morning coffee — minus the ink-stained fingers, perhaps.
Guardian Unlimited

The New York Times to Enhance Online and Offline Reading Experience With Times Reader — New application uses Microsoft software to benefit readers. — SEATTLE — April 28, 2006 — Today at the American Society of Newspaper Editors convention, The New York Times and Microsoft Corp. unveiled …

Microsoft, NYT partner on newspaper software — Aiming to offer newspapers a new digital publishing alternative, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates on Friday touted a software program that tries to make publications easier to read on a computer screen. — As part of a speech …

The Web's Million-Dollar Typos — Google Inc., which runs the largest ad network on the Internet, is making millions of dollars a year by filling otherwise unused Web sites with ads. In many instances, these ad-filled pages appear when users mistype an Internet address, such as ""
Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check

AOL: A Punching Bag in Need of a Big Hit — TIME WARNER will announce its first-quarter results on Wednesday, the first since the Icahn Insurgency against the company fizzled. Aside from a renewed enthusiasm for cable television — one of Time Warner's myriad businesses …

Your Tube, Whose Dime? — NEW YORK - — The Web lets users watch whatever they want, whenever they want to watch it. So what do they want to see? A home-made video of two boys lip-synching along to the Pokémon television theme song. Internet video site YouTube has streamed …

What I Said at Columbia University … I'm honored to have been invited. I'm also grateful. During the past few years I've had the privilege of working in a field that really led to this conversation we're going to have tonight. There have been ups and downs along the way. But it's been a great ride so far.

For Nintendo, The Glory Is In the Game — While Rivals Make Multimedia Hubs, Company Focuses on the Primary Purpose — It's almost a radical thought in the video game industry these days: What if a new game console were actually just about the games — and not about having a zillion other multimedia features?

MSN: Another Quarter Closer To Irrelevant — As shown by yesterday's numbers, MSN's financial performance continues to deteriorate. With each passing quarter, in my opinion, the chance that the division will ever mount a serious challenge to Google and Yahoo in search (or any web business) gets slimmer and slimmer.

Dial-up provider loses Net access amid fee dispute — Service to thousands of dial-up Internet users in Massachusetts was disrupted this week after a federal court ruled against a Quincy company in a lawsuit that could have broad impact on the cost of dial-up service.

Guest Column: Who shouldn't blog in the PR industry? — Richard Edelman totally spoiled 'Fun with Dick and Jane' for me. — Edelman, well-respected president and CEO of Edelman PR Worldwide, wrote a blog post this last Monday recommending a few ways our industry can work towards improving how we're portrayed in film and television.
Marketing Begins At Home

Some AMD Opterons suffer heat issue — update Advanced Micro Devices is trying to track down and replace as many as 3,000 Opteron processors that could produce "inconsistent results" under an unusual, high-temperature circumstance. — The potential problem affects a number of single-core Opteron 152 …

Q to be launched May 22nd? — Alright Q fans, we've got some good news for you. We've received word that Verizon and Motorola are holding a joint news conference in New York this May 22nd — no, not May 22nd 2007, though we should qualify that — to announce the Q. We know …