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How to Juice Up a Site's Rank — If your Web site isn't getting the attention it deserves on the Internet, it may be running low on Google juice. — Google juice, for the uninitiated, refers to how high a Web site ranks in Google's search results — the higher the ranking, the more juice.

The mesh Sessions: Can Blogs Influence Politics? — When we first talked about organizing mesh, one of the topics that most excited us was the role that blogs are playing in political journalism in Canada, and the broader role that blogs are beginning to assume in fostering political discussion …

Can blogs affect politics and society? — As a lead-up to mesh in May, the Gang of Five — that is me, Rob Hyndman, Mark Evans, Mike McDerment and Stuart "call me Chairman Mao" MacDonald — have been talking a lot (not surprisingly) about the themes we want to look at, and crawling the blogosphere …

Your Thoughts Are Your Password — What if you could one day unlock your door or access your bank account by simply "thinking" your password? Too far out? Perhaps not. — Researchers at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, are exploring the possibility of a biometric security device …

Democrats lose House vote on Net neutrality — update A hotly contested Democratic bid to enshrine extensive Net neutrality regulations in the law books failed Wednesday in the U.S. House of Representatives. — By a 34-22 vote, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee rejected …

Vonage to start Wi-Fi service in Britain — Vonage subscribers in the U.K. will soon be able to make mobile phone calls over the Internet, the company said Wednesday. — The U.S.-based Net phone company and Wi-Fi hot spot operator The Cloud are working together to launch a service …

Apache Now the Leader in SSL Servers — Apache has overtaken Microsoft as the leading developer of secure web servers. Apache now runs on 44.0% of secure web sites, compared to 43.8% for Microsoft. — As the original developers of the SSL protocol, Netscape started out with a lead in the SSL server market.
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PURCHASE — The person who says it can't be done shouldn't interrupt the person who is doing it. —from the wall of the Mountain Rose Cafe in Winter Park, Colorado (Google Earth file) — OK, so Google bought SketchUp. We told you all about it in the last SketchUpdate, but that's old news now.

I'm nuts about Southwest — Funny, I just got off of a Southwest airline from San Jose to Seattle and found out that Southwest now has a blog. There's more on Memeorandum. — It's a pretty cold blog so far. It's the kind of blog I think most corporations will start out with. Safe.

A Journey Through Feed Handling — One of the areas of focus for us for Firefox 2 is Feed Handling. With this release we are seeking to make feeds more useful to more users, and along the way to that goal improve on some of the shortcomings of Firefox 1.x. My plans are outlined in this newsgroup posting.

Microsoft Is Seen Near Ad Move — Microsoft is close to reaching a deal to buy Massive Incorporated, which makes technology that inserts advertisements into video games, a member of Massive's board said yesterday. — The board member, Douglas P. Miscoll, a partner with the venture capital …

Letting Berners-Lee do Baird a favour... Working for the BBC has hidden benefits. Even after working here for years, you still bump into astounding new people, ideas and content. — About six months ago a colleague, Julie Rowbotham, and I struck gold. Data gold.

Survey Shows the Blogosphere is Breaking Out — The long tail is growing appendages. A new survey released today of over 36,000 readers of blogs shows different segments of blog readers have distinct characteristics. Conducted by the Blogads network, the study breaks out blog audiences …

@ Milken: Chernin, Iger and Miller: The Shape Of Things And Things To Come — The last panel of the day at the Milken Institute conference was a heavy hitter one: Peter Chernin of News Corp, Bob Iger of Disney and Jonathan Miller of AOL (who told me today that he is a big fan of us, which made me happy).

iPod Garage evolves into iProng on May 8th! — In the two-plus years we've been publishing this site, evolution has been our only constant. We've evolved from a one-person commentary site into a fifteen-person collaborative effort that stretches to include commentary, industry news …