Top Items:

Chevy Tries a Write-Your-Own-Ad Approach, and the Potshots Fly — At first glance, the video looks like a typical 30-second car commercial: a shiny sport utility vehicle careers down a country road lined with sunflower fields, jaunty music playing in the background.
Scobleizer, Publishing 2.0, BuzzMachine, B.L. Ochman's weblog, Adrants, scot hacker's foobar blog and AdPulp

GM Slow To React... Or Right On Schedule With Create-Your-Own Ad Controversy?
Investor Relations Blog, Weblogs Work,, Coolz0r, Larry Borsato, Heather's "Marketing …, B2Day and CNET

Chevy Careens Out Of Control (Or Do They?) …
B.L. Ochman's weblog

How I Work: Bill Gates — Not much of a paper chase for Microsoft's chairman, who uses a range of digital tools to do business. — NEW YORK (FORTUNE) - It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft (Research) was starting and realize how work has been transformed.

New Trends In Online Traffic — Visits to Sites for Blogging, Local Information and Social Networks Drive Web Growth — While growth is slowing at most top Internet sites, it is skyrocketing at sites focused on social networking, blogging and local information.

Microsoft Says Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible — LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla.—In a rare discussion on the severity of the Windows malware scourge, a Microsoft security official said businesses should consider investing in an automated process to wipe hard drives and reinstall operating systems …

Google Real Estate - beta Launched — Thanks to my friend Avi from Promediacorp who alerted me to this immediately. — Google has silently released: Google Real Estate. I don't know if that is the official name, but that's what I'm calling it until I hear otherwise.

Reasons to Love Open-Source DRM — I acknowledge that the title of this column is strange. Aside from the fact that most savvy music listeners (justifiably) hate DRM, the very idea of using open-source software to enforce digital rights management runs counter to everything commonly assumed …

Software 2006 - Ray Lane — Interesting that Ray's keynote starts out with the CA advertisement of the cardboard cutout software salesmen. Interesting because Ray as much as anyone else is responsible for that image. Ray starts out with a provocative statement that most of us already know …

Software 2006: The shifting landscape
Ross Mayfield's Weblog

Microsoft Does Linux — I had to check the date on the article when I saw the announcement that Microsoft was going to provide some level of support for Linux. However, this is not an April Fool's Day joke; it's the real thing and has serious implications.

TabletKiosk eo UMPC evaluation underway! — The good folks at TabletKiosk have let me borrow one of their prototype eo UMPCs for a few days and I will be offering my observations about the device. Here's a couple of quick photos of the unit which will have to do until I have spent a little more time with the eo:
Kevin 2.0 Redesign—Don't Mess With A Good Thing — I was travelling yesterday when the launched its new home page, so I only really saw it this morning when I booted up my computer. And my first reaction was "Ugh!" There are so many more obstacles now in the way of getting to the information that I want.

Death to User-Generated Content — Can I make a suggestion? Let's all stop using the phrase "user-generated content." I'm serious. It's a despicable, terrible term. Let's deconstruct it. — User: One who uses. Like, you know, a junkie. — Generated: Like a generator, engine.
Jeremy Zawodny's blog

Web Ads Appear On Racy Sites Despite Checks — Last month, Verizon Communications Inc. was surprised to find one of its Internet ads on a page with photos of scantily clad women. Walt Disney Co. was unaware that its ad was next to an article about male sexual performance on

Mac's Moment? — Apple has its best chance in years to make a dent in the business market — Japan's Aozora Bank Ltd. is planning to do something once unheard of in the business world: switch nearly all of its 2,300 desktop personal computers to Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh computers.
Between the Lines, O'Reilly Mac DevCenter Blog, Mac Rumors, MacSlash and The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Perspective: Bumps in the road for AT&T-BellSouth merger? — The conventional wisdom in Washington is that regulatory approval of the proposed AT&T-BellSouth merger is a done deal. The consensus is that this deal will sail through with flying colors—and a few not very onerous merger conditions.
O'Reilly Emerging Telephony

Negroponte: Slimmer Linux needed for $100 laptop — BOSTON—The One Laptop Per Child organization will use Linux on its inexpensive machines, but the operating system suffers the same code bloat as Windows, the project's leader said Tuesday. — "People aren't thinking about small, fast …

Lucent takes legal action against Microsoft over Xbox 360 — Patent place, again — NETWORKING GIANT Lucent is suing Microsoft alleging it breaches a patent it holds. — The patent, 5,227,878, was issued to Lucent on July 13th 1993 and called "Adaptive Coding and Decoding of Frames and Fields of Video".
Xbox 360 Fanboy