
Tech Web, page A1 … for 4:55 AM ET, February 26, 2006
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Kevin C. Tofel / Kevin 2.0:
Origami video: the real deal?  —  Much like everyone else, I've been wondering what Microsoft's Origami Project is.  The speculation runs rampant but it appears that you might not have to wait a few weeks to find out what Origami truly is.  Marketing firm DigitalKitchen must have the ad campaign …
Origami video?  —  Speculation about the Origami Project is running rampant everywhere and my podcasting buddy Kevin Tofel may have found some hard video via a comment on an engadget post discussing the mysterious project.  Kevin points out if you go the the website for marketing firm DigitalKitchen …
Scott Karp / Publishing 2.0:
Audiences Are NOT Created Equal  —  Media is about conversation and participation.  Consumers can create their own media.  Value is being created at the edge.  You've heard all the New Media maxims.  —  The problem, as many people have stated many times, is that the more everyone participates …
Dave Winer / Dave's Wordpress Blog:
Why the backchannel is bad for RSS  —  This is a verbatim copy of an emal I sent to Brad Feld of Mobius Venture Capital, cc'd to Rogers Cadenhead and John Palfrey.  —  Brad, I appreciate you taking a proactive role, but there's something that's not right about all this …
Edward Wyatt / New York Times:
Ruling May Undercut Google in Fight Over Its Book Scans  —  A recent federal court decision in California might undermine a pillar of defense for Google in its dispute with publishers and authors who are challenging the company's right to scan books that are still under copyright.
Discussion: TeleRead
Magnet madness to hit Intel iBook line  —  Only Apple could take a phenomenon as ancient and rudimentary as magnetism and make it seem so profound.  —  The Cupertino, Calif.-based Mac maker has slowly and subtly been adding magnetic innovations to its computer systems over the last six months and now looks ripe to add yet another.
Discussion: TechSpot
John Borland / CNET
Google puts National Archives video online  —  A marching band begins to play.  The United Newsreel logo, an eagle in a martial pose, flickers onto the black-and-white screen.  Bold letters proclaim: "Nazi War Plants Blasted by R.A.F. in Night Raids."  —  This is a World War II era newsreel …
Discussion: Ramesh Jain's Blog
BlackBerry case: No shutoff, for now  —  update RICHMOND, Va.—More than 3 million U.S. BlackBerry users won't lose their service—at least for now.  —  In a hearing on Friday, U.S. District Judge James Spencer decided against issuing an immediate ruling on whether to impose an injunction …
Search Engine Watch:
Jenstar  —  Oversees: Google AdSense; Contextual Ads & Alternatives  —  Reputation:  —  AdCenter increasing traffic for advertisers by 70%  —  I am among those who have wished that AdCenter would simply deliver me more traffic for my keywords, rather than splitting it between adCenter impressions …
Rob Fahey /
Rebel Faction -'s Jeff Strain  —  First it was a wildly successful MMOG with no levelling up and no subscription fee, now it's episodic content, digital distribution and an ambitious six-monthly release cycle.  Is no challenge too much for Guild Wars creators
Discussion: Blue's News
Duncan Riley / The Blog Herald:
The meaning of the Blogosphere is 42: So long and thanks for all the fish  —  Duncan Riley> For those of you who have never read Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy before, it is truly the pinancle of absursidisty, or some would say comedic science fiction, and yet Adams had a knack for inserting moments …
Discussion: Bloggers Blog

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