Top Items:

Will Apple Adopt Windows? — This would be the most phenomenal turnabout in the history of desktop computing. There's just one fly in the ointment. — Total posts: 15 — The idea that Apple would ditch its own OS for Microsoft Windows came to me from Yakov Epstein …
Gadgetopia,, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Download Squad, Squash, MacSlash, eHomeUpgrade and TechBlog

Introducing, The Daily Om — Back in the day when I worked for a weekly newspaper in New York, the dismal newsroom taught me something: not everything merits a front page 24 point headline treatment. There are some stories which are short, sweet, touching or simply quirky.

First Mac OS X Worm a Wake-Up Call — UPDATE: There's a lot of debate about whether this is a real worm, or merely an elaborate, executable script that the user is tricked into running. It appears to be a worm — it's self-containing code that replicates itself over the Net (def.).
Tech Digest

MySpace unwired — News Corp.'s youth-oriented Web portal extends its influence into the wireless world. — SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0) -, the website that has become a nationwide craze, is headed to a mobile phone near you. — If you aren't familiar with MySpace …

New DVDs already sparking copy-protection confusion — When the first high-definition DVDs finally hit shelves this spring, a mad scramble may ensue—not for the discs themselves, but to figure out what computers and devices are actually able to play them in their full glory.

Microsoft driver flaw saps battery strength — Microsoft has confirmed the existence of a flaw in its USB 2.0 drivers for Windows XP Service Pack 2 that can cause a notebook to consume power at a faster-than-expected rate when using a peripheral device. — The issue, first uncovered …
Microsoft News Tracker

AllPeers is Coming; Exclusive Screenshots — Prague based Allpeers cofounder Matthew Gertner came by my house today to install the product and let me try it out. — Allpeers is a Firefox extension that creates a simple, persistent buddy list in the browser.

Google Warms to Wall Street — Google (GOOG:Nasdaq - news - research - Cramer's Take) is extending an olive branch. — The search engine giant's shares are down 18% this year, following a Jan. 31 earnings setback that cratered the once-invincible stock. So Google, after long sitting …
Internet Outsider

Amazon to launch music store and MP3 player? — According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon is in advanced talks with the four music companies about setting up a digital music service featuring an Amazon-branded MP3 player pre-loaded with a selection of heavily discounted songs.

Tom's Future of Web Apps, Translated for Product Managers — I've had a tab open in my browser pointing at Tom's Native to a Web of Data slide for a few days now. It's been nagging me. I needed to do something with the ideas encapsulated in that one slide, and tonight it struck me while I was doing something completely unrelated.
Dave Beckett

Nintendo: Official Magazine (UK) scans! — MASSIVE thanks to Tallon for all the scans. Very, VERY much appreciated. — Once again, many thanks to Tallon for this awesome work. You really helped us out.

BYOB: — Don't be surprised if Apple saves the day for Blockbuster Video — Poor Blockbuster Video hasn't made a profit in years, the stock is down about 90 percent from its 2002 high, NetFlix is cleaning its clock, and nobody - I mean NOBODY - thinks the future looks in any way rosy for this pioneering video rental chain.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Asterisk on pop-up mogul's gold — There's already a tarnish on the gold medal won by Australian mogul skier Dale Begg-Smith at the Olympics in Turin this week. — While the 21-year-old Begg-Smith may not have been involved in doping or cheating on the slopes, the way he richly supported himself …
Good Morning Silicon Valley

Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Forms $200 Million — Pandemic and Bio Defense Fund — MENLO PARK, CA., February 16, 2006 - Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) - a leader in providing relationship and venture capital SM services to entrepreneurs - announced the formation of a new fund, the KPCB Pandemic and Bio Defense Fund.