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Beijing Censors Taken to Task in Party Circles — BEIJING, Feb. 14 — A dozen former Communist Party officials and senior scholars, including a onetime secretary to Mao, a party propaganda chief and the retired bosses of some of the country's most powerful newspapers, have denounced …
IP Democracy

House Member Criticizes Internet Companies for Practices in China — WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 — In a crowded House hearing room, Representative Christopher H. Smith, Republican of New Jersey, unleashed a scathing condemnation of four American Internet and technology companies — Google, Yahoo …

ContentAds the name of MSN contextual ad program with a 2006 launch date — You may have noticed I will be speaking at Mix06 next month (I list upcoming conferences I am speaking at on the right side of my blog), and I was taking some time to check out the speakers of the other sessions …

Microsoft Launches Beta Program for Microsoft Office Live Services — Internet-based services include free Web site, domain name and e-mail accounts. — REDMOND, Wash. — Feb. 15, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced the beta availability of Microsoft® Office Live (http …

Campfire — Our friends at 37signals just launched Campfire, their latest product (following on Basecamp and Backpack). I've been testing this product with them and think it's a great one — a fantastic tool for distributed teams (which is perhaps not surprising since they used to be an international company).

Oracle tried to buy open-source MySQL — SAN FRANCISCO—Oracle tried to acquire open-source database maker MySQL, an indication of the profound changes the software giant is willing to make as it adapts to the increasingly significant collaborative programming philosophy.

Customers to Receive Better Solutions and More Product Options With 2007 Microsoft Office Release — New and improved programs, servers and services will give customers unparalleled flexibility. — REDMOND, Wash. — Feb. 15, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced the lineup …

Power lunching with wizards and warriors — "We Know" isn't your father's country club. — Sure, it has about 100 members, some of them wealthy, a few of them wildly wealthy. On the membership roster are at least 10 people who have the letter "C" in their job titles.

Yahoo on NSA surveillance: No comment — Under cross-examination during a congressional hearing, Yahoo's top lawyer refused on Wednesday to say whether the company opens its records for government surveillance without a court order. — Michael Callahan, Yahoo's senior vice president and general counsel …

brrreeeport report: Technorati: 422, Google Blog Search: 337 — Robert Scoble created a very interesting meme and test: To see how well folks in the blogosphere are indexed by the major search engines. He's on vacation today, so I thought I'd put up a couple of screenshots of the results.

Search Engines Here to Convert You — Hunting for something on America Online's search site? Beware. You may be converted. — And it's not a religious thing, although advertisers do seem to see it that way. "Conversion" in marketing speak refers to people who start off as window shoppers and are transformed into customers.

United States Patent & Trademark Office Issues 7 Millionth Patent — Patent Assigned to DuPont for Novel Fibers — WASHINGTON, D.C.- The Department of Commerce's United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today issued patent No. 7 million to DuPont senior researcher John P. O'Brien for …

The Art of Creating a Community — I admit it: I'm a user-group junkie. I got my first taste of user groups when I worked for Apple—speaking at their meetings was one of my great pleasures. Their members were unpaid, raging, inexorable thunderlizard evangelists for Macintosh and Apple II.

Blockbuster Follows Netflix, Again — By Rick Aristotle Munarriz (TMFBreakerRick) — Earlier this week, I looked at the throttling going on at Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX). Now that the popular DVD-by-mail company is handicapping hyperactive accounts with slower delivery times and poorer …

RIAA Says Ripping CDs to Your iPod is NOT Fair Use — It is no secret that the entertainment oligopolists are not happy about space-shifting and format-shifting. But surely ripping your own CDs to your own iPod passes muster, right? In fact, didn't they admit as much in front …

How do you know if something is Web 2.0? — Web 2.0 is on the tips of fingers and lips of influentierati across the web. But how do you know if you, a product of yours, an investment of yours or a service you use is Web 2.0? This handy reference sheet will help guide you.

The ringmaster of the blogosphere — began as a case of 'scratching a personal itch' and has grown to be a vital tool for web watchers — Glyn Moody — If life without Google is hard to imagine for most web users, life without the blog search engine …