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Newspapers want search engines to pay — The Internet has undercut the businesses of newspapers, book publishers and magazines for years and now these media are looking for ways to fight back. — Web search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, collect headlines and photos …

Could Newspaper Owners Really Be This Clueless? — Just as stories are hitting the press about slow-to-innovate newspapers finally embracing the internet comes the news that a bunch of newspapers are quite upset that Google drives more traffic to their websites. This isn't a first.

Silicon Valley Shrugs Off Google Hiccup — Silicon Valley is leaving knee jerk reactions to Google's lukewarm quarter to the Wall Street crowd. That was the finding of my reporting yesterday after the search giant reported its earnings. I filed this report for CNN Money, that went live this morning.

Googling Netscape — The Google stock is getting hurt in after hours trading as the company's earnings disappointed Wall Street. It was to be expected but now is the time for executives at Google to look at history and, hopefully, not repeat it. The history I am talking about, in particular …

Politicos attack tech firms over China … WASHINGTON—Politicians on Wednesday attacked Google, Microsoft, Cisco Systems and Yahoo for declining to appear at a briefing about China's Internet censorship and called for a new law to outlaw compliance with such requirements.

Era Ends: Western Union Stops Sending Telegrams — After 145 years, Western Union has quietly stopped sending telegrams. — On the company's web site, if you click on "Telegrams" in the left-side navigation bar, you're taken to a page that ends a technological era with about as little fanfare as possible:

IE7 beta: Read the fine print — Now, we're all used to just clicking "next" when we install new software. — That's a bad idea in general. First, many software programs today have incredibly invasive default settings that give the software permission to do everything short of audit your tax returns.
Search Engine Journal, SearchViews, Web 2.0 Explorer, InsideMicrosoft, Mark Evans and BetaNews

Taking Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 preview through install and uninstall, step-by-step, with screenshots — Bittorrent and private beta testers aside, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but yesterday's release of the IE7 beta 2 for the general public is the very first opportunity to download …

Rival trashes Google's growth prospects — A Yahoo programmers says Google's numbers won't be enough to help it meet its revenue growth forecast of 30 percent. — SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.) - Granted, he works for the competition, but Amr Awadallah's post about Google's earnings announcement earlier …

Subscriber credit data distributed by mistake — Globe, Worcester paper affected — Credit and bank card numbers of as many as 240,000 subscribers of The Boston Globe and Worcester Telegram & Gazette were inadvertently distributed with bundles of T&G newspapers on Sunday, officials of the newspapers said yesterday.

Turning Limitations into Innovation — When "balanced with a healthy disregard for the impossible," constraints can shape and focus problems, leading to truly creative solutions — As vice-president for search products and user experience at Google (GOOG), I work with a team that defines the features …
Geeking with Greg

On Being an Angel — In the last month or so I've received a number of links to Life With Alacrity as a venture capital blog, and to myself as a venture capitalist. — However, I don't consider myself a venture capitalist. Instead, I am what is known as an "angel investor".
house of warwick

Survey: Advertisers Say Search Ads On Google Better Than Yahoo, MSN — MARKETERS BELIEVE THAT SEARCH ADS on Google will yield better results than search ads on Yahoo, MSN, or other engines, according to a new study released Tuesday by research company Outsell.

Take a stand against DRM? Get fired from your day job. — On January 10th 2006, the Village Voice ran an article called Code Warriors, detailing the efforts of the Free Culture movement, and those of the NYU chapter in particular. The reporter, Carla Blumenkranz, quoted FC co-founder …

LEADING SPANISH PROVIDER, AWA, SELECTS MERU'S WLAN SYSTEM FOR FIXED MOBILE CONVERGENCE NETWORK IN EUROPE — Provider Will Offer Wireless Voice and Data Services to Business and Government Users in Spain — Meru Networks, the global leader in wireless VoIP infrastructure, today announced that AWA …

Imagining the Google Future — Top experts help us plot four scenarios that show where the company's geniuses may be leading it—and, perhaps, all of us. — (Business 2.0) - We all know that the company Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded a mere eight years ago is one of the new century's most cunning enterprises.