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DRM-a-go-go — I had a fun old time this morning speaking at a Digital Rights Management conference in London. My own attempt to introduce some reality on the security limits of DRM was generally well-received, aside from a couple of myopic content industry representatives.

MSFT: Our DRM licensing is there to eliminate hobbyists and little guys
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Google at work on desktop Linux — Search engine giant preps own version of Ubuntu — Google is preparing its own distribution of Linux for the desktop, in a possible bid to take on Microsoft in its core business - desktop software. — A version of the increasingly popular Ubuntu desktop …

Blogtimize! — Blogging is near and dear to our hearts here at Inside AdSense. We know you want to get the most out of those posts - but how do you do it? — 1. Choose the right ad formats — Because the typical blog layout uses a narrow section for posts, the medium rectangle fits nicely at the end of each post.

StarForce threatens to sue me for criticizing its products — A company that was criticized on Boing Boing has threatened to sue me, and claims to have sworn out a complaint against me with the FBI. — Yesterday, I posted about StarForce, a harmful technology used by game companies to restrict their customers' freedom.

WSJ: — Americans have a long history of selling out - think Warren Beatty and "Ishtar" or politicians and Indian casinos. The public is trusting until proven otherwise, then turns on icons like rats on garbage. Never more so with culture: Being "cool," "tight" or …

Super RSS Tools — Today I had to dig a little deeper into the world of RSS. I'm preparing a environment for a potential customer and I needed tools to convert dynamic HTML pages (search queries) into RSS feeds so I could add them into Microsoft's feed collector.

Papers take a leap forward, opening up to new ideas — NEW YORK — If you made a list of today's great media innovators you'd probably fill it with people whose dazzling ideas are shaping the Internet, television and even radio. — Not newspapers, though. The industry is famously risk-averse.

Would You Buy a Used Dotcom from this Man? — As a corporate lawyer, Allen Morgan wore a suit every day for 20 years. But since joining the Mayfield Fund, he's gotten used to the more casual uniform of the venture capitalist - Levi's, plaid shirt, company-logo fleece vest.
Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab

How To Sync Yahoo PIM, iCal & Address Book? — If you are like me, then syncing your iCal and Address Book with Yahoo's web-based PIM has been virtually impossible. Given Yahoo's long standing apathy for MacOS had sent many of us into the warm, comfortable embrace of Apple's own .Mac service.
The Apple Blog

Blogs versus the NY Times in Google — In 2002, Dave Winer of Scripting News and Martin Nisenholtz of the New York Times made a Long Bet about the authority of weblogs versus that of NY Times in Google: … I decided to see how well each side is doing by checking the results for the top news stories of 2005.

Time Inc. to Cut 100 More Jobs as It Focuses on Web Business — Time Inc., after eliminating 105 management jobs just before Christmas, is moving to cut about 100 more, including up to 10 at its flagship, Time magazine. — Both editorial and business-side employees are being cut at several of the company's domestic magazines.

EarthLink offers new VoIP service — Broadband provider EarthLink has begun selling a new Internet phone service that's designed to be easy to use and require no additional hardware. — The company has partnered with broadband access wholesaler Covad Communications to offer the voice …

Roll Your Own Ringtone — CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts — Cell-phone customers have spent more than $4 billion on ringtones taken primarily from popular hits. Now MIT's Media Lab hopes to unleash some new creativity into this market with a ringtone composition tool to the masses for free.

Mike Grehan Interview — Mike Grehan is most definitely a colorful and well respected SEM expert. To me he is just one of those guys who always makes perfect sense so naturally I like to read all his stuff. Instead of filling this interview with fluff let's get right to the good stuff …