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How to reform the VC industry — There's a wisp of a discussion materializing in the tech blogosphere about reforming the VC industry. I have been thinking about this for many many years. It's an exciting time because I think it might actually happen now.

A New VC Model? — Web 2.0 may not be a bubble yet but there are intriguing, if not troubling, signs that the inmates want to take over the prison. Dave Winer's call to remove VCs from the formula has some merit but it assumes investors in a publicly-traded venture company will have faith …

The "ventures" we need... I just read Dave Winer's essay on the future of the venture capital industry. — Ditto. Great insight. One thing before I start thinking, I always thought it was bizarre that entrepreneurs couldn't get funded when they needed it (when the economy sucked …
Smalltalk Tidbits …

On Venture Capital — Dave Winer wrote a post today called "How to Reform the VC Industry" Robert Scoble and John Roberts of CNET follow up with their own thoughts. — I agree with the premise - that venture capital is broken (at least as it applies to new web startups) …

Venture capital didn't create the bubble — Dave Winer is a smart guy, and when it comes to Web 2.0 he's been smart a lot longer than I have — but when it comes to investing and the stock market and venture capital, I think he might be a little out of his depth.
Scripting News

There's a Popular New Code for Deals: RSS — FOR many people, e-mail newsletters are fast becoming the Internet equivalent of the Sunday paper: compendiums of useful information, often left unread in lieu of life's other tasks. E-mail alerts on travel deals, in particular …

Nine Startups at E27 Summit — I attended the E27 Technology Conference today at Stanford University. Startups founded by entrepreneurs who are less than 27 years old were eligible to present. With a couple of exceptions these companies were all new to me, and a few have the potential to be real winners.

Small ideas, big companies — Turns out in the past hour I've met strategists from eBay, Yahoo, Amazon. They are here to see the small ideas. Some of them are pretty cool. — Here's my favorites of what I saw at the Entrepreneur 27 event that just concluded at Stanford University. — Flagr.

When Terry Met Jerry, Yahoo! — WHEN Yahoo Inc. announced nearly five years ago that Terry S. Semel, then a former leader of the Warner Brothers motion picture studio, would become its chairman and chief executive, the reaction both outside and within Yahoo was not exactly one of wild encouragement.

Mash Pit Dallas — What — Mash Pit is an informal all-day hackfest for collaborating on solving human problems with open APIs, open source and web-based technology. — Where — INFOMART 1950 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 2013 (for directions or information call 214.764.1437 or 214.914.9791).

Exploding the conference business — Too many conferences suck. They're too expensive. They are filled with boring panels. They are all about speeches and not about conversation and argument and learning and meeting. They don't capture the expertise of the crowd.

The Interface Is The Message: Inside The Mind of Media Designer Dale Herigstad — FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T DWELL in its world, design can sometimes be an esoteric concept. As consumers and businesspeople, we all understand when a media design works for us, or even more noticeably when it doesn't.
MIT Advertising Lab

Kill the Big, Bad Dragon (Teamwork Required) — Jeff Kaplan knows what it's like to try to please all of the people all of the time. Don't envy him. — As a lead game designer at Blizzard Entertainment for World of Warcraft, the ridiculously successful online PC game …

Hardcoded — 35 might not seem like a very old age to some, but in many ways, it's a good time for me to really decide what projects of mine are going to "happen", which will not, and what, if any, new projects I should be taking on while I still have the energy and age of the 30s.

Dinner with Jim Allchin — [photo taken by: Thomas Hawk of Jim Allchin] — Somehow, I got added to this very intimate list of people to go for dinner with Jim Allchin and see a demo of MS Vista yesterday evening. I didn't know who the other attendees would be, either, so the entire evening was shrouded in a sort of mystery.