Top Items:

What journalists can learn from software developers — One result of the whole Washington Post comments debacle is that, as Jay Rosen puts it, "We're going backwards in our ability to have a conversation with the Washington Post." The Post circles its wagons against the barbarians …

MSN responded and complied with DOJ request ... last summer! — MSN General Manager Ken Moss explains what they really provided the DOJ when asked (emphasis mine): … What bothers me most about the MSN response to this whole DOJ situation was brought up by one of the anon's in their post …

Forgot What You Searched For? Google Didn't — The Justice Department may have done us all a big favor by issuing subpoenas to Internet search engines to find out what people are researching online. — Not because that data could help shield children from online porn …

New Senate Broadcast Flag Bill Would Freeze Fair Use — Draft legislation making the rounds in the U.S. Senate gives us a preview of the MPAA and RIAA's next target: your television and radio. (Please write your Senator about this!) — You say you want the power to time-shift and space-shift TV and radio?

Broadcast Flag is back, this time it covers iPods and PSPs, too — Update: Here's EFF's action-center item for writing to your Senator about this. — The Senate has introduced the "Digital Content Protection Act of 2006," a bill that will create "Broadcast Flags" for all digital radio and television …
Smart Mobs

The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet — Do you prefer to search for information online with Google or Yahoo? What about bargain shopping — do you go to Amazon or eBay? Many of us make these kinds of decisions several times a day, based on who knows what — maybe you don't like bidding …
IP Democracy

AOL Takes AIM At Social Networking; Does Same For Developers. : Every major portal or network of sites is looking at ways to incorporate social networking into its own space. That's one reason Viacom and Disney even considered Friendster. Unlike the others, AOL doesn't have to buy in or start from scratch: it has AIM.

A Hundred Books in Your Pocket — The e-book will transform reading — and writing — NEW YORK — The e-book is back. So are the technophobes who swear it'll never catch on. They were right last time, and they might be right this time, too. Sooner or later, though, they'll be wrong — and when they are, your life will change.
Paul Kedrosky's …

Living a Cached Life — "You have zero privacy anyway... Get over it." — Scott McNealy , CEO of Sun in 1999 — Scott McNealy, the CEO who should have been a stand-up says a lot of things. Many you can ignore, but when he said the aforementioned words, you knew he was right.

Google, Yahoo! Lead Parade Of Bad Tech News — It was one earnings miss after another in what was certainly the worst week for technology stocks in recent memory. Missed estimates caused big-name shares to trip up, spreading their bad vibes through anything tech-related.
Googling Google

Google recommended news — Google News just launched news recommendations! — If you are signed in to Google News, do a search or two and click on a few stories. Come back to the Google News front page. There should be a section added to the front page, "Recommended for X", with list of recommended stories.

Mobile Opportunities — Went along to Mobile Opportunities today. Tony Fish of AMF Ventures brought a good crowd of enterprises, entrepreneurs and investors, many part of the Momo community, to the basement auditorium of Simmons & Simmons in the city. The investment part …
Communities Dominate Brands

CDT to escalate spyware battle — The Center for Democracy and Technology, a Washington-based public advocacy group, is further escalating its fight against spyware and adware. The group on Monday plans to file two complaints with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission against multiple spyware …
Spyware Confidential

Smartcard Key to Flier Fast Lane — Frequent fliers willing to be fingerprinted and background-checked may soon get their own airline screening lanes run by private companies in the nation's airports, homeland security officials say. — The Transportation Security Administration Friday sketched …

Who Are The New Media Gatekeepers? — Scott Karp poses a great question (before wandering into a maze of ideas that peter out without a solid conclusion): … In the perfect world, the answer would be that each person should be their own gatekeeper. The reality is that we are unequipped — we do not have the time or resources.

Down, Boy! — I've noted a few times that SAP has become the PR pit bull when it comes to Oracle. Last December, when Oracle announced its quarterly earnings, SAP sent out a press release within minutes of the company's conference call refuting claims of customer wins, market share gains and the like.

Busting the Biggest PC Myths — We expose the bad advice that wastes your time and money. — From the August 2004 issue of PC World magazine — « Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 Next » — Magnets zap your data. — For venerable floppies, this statement holds true.

Party Time — Paula and I are up early this morning to head for Seattle. Tonight is the first of two Naked Conversations launch parties, this one, engineered and choreographed by Buzz Bruggeman and Maryam Scoble, is in the home of John and Alison Dillow. I understand it's a frop …