
Tech Web, page A1 … for 2:35 AM ET, November 1, 2005
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Top Items:

Business Week:
Rewired And Ready For Combat  —  SBC and Verizon are spending billions to stay competitive in the broadband era … On a crisp September afternoon, Edward E. Whitacre Jr. bursts into a conference room on the 13th floor of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Chicago.
Om Malik / Om Malik's Broadband Blog:
Are Bandwidth Mergers Enough?  —  Updated: For nearly two months I had been hearing chatter that WilTel was in play.  I had heard that even Comcast was interesting in the company, and there was some talk of Level 3.  Unfortunately, I could not pin this one down, and now feel bad about it.
Discussion: Techdirt and VoIP Watch
Edward W. Felten / Freedom to Tinker:
Net Neutrality and Competition
Susan / Susan Crawford blog:
Network neutrality v. platform competition
Discussion: IP Democracy and
Mark Russinovich / Mark's Sysinternals Blog:
Sony, Rootkits And Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far  —  Last week when I was testing the latest version of RootkitRevealer (RKR) I ran a scan on one of my systems and was shocked to see evidence of a rootkit.  Rootkits are cloaking technologies that hide files, Registry keys …
Matt Biddulph / hackdiary:
The BBC's programme catalogue (on Rails)  —  Ever wondered what's in that archive?  Who looks after it?  It turns out there's a huge database that's been carefully tended by a gang of crack BBC librarians for decades.  Nearly a million programmes are catalogued, with descriptions …
Discussion: Riding Rails
Martin LaMonica / CNET
Ruby on Rails chases simplicity in programming  —  Can one man and a mantra of "radical simplicity" change the world of Web development?  —  David Heinemeier Hansson, a 26-year-old Copenhagen native, has built a "framework" to help Web developers be more productive and has released the package of tools through an open-source project.
Ben Hammersley:   Hot BBC Archive Action
Amy Gardner /
iTunes Music Store Sells One Million Videos in Less Than 20 Days  —  CUPERTINO, California—October 31, 2005—Apple® today announced that iTunes® Music Store customers have purchased and downloaded more than one million videos since they debuted on October 12.
Sprint in challenge to Apple's iTunes
Discussion: Mac Rumors and Slashdot
Apple: ITunes Video Sales Top 1 Million
Michael Singer / ZDNet:
Dell's third-quarter earnings slip … Dell announced on Monday that third-quarter revenue will fall well short of expectations due to sluggish consumer sales and a faulty component in its OptiPlex desktop PC.  —  The Round Rock, Texas-based computer maker said it expects revenue …
Marguerite Reardon / CNET
The Internet and the future of TV  —  Imagine a day when you would be in total control of creating your own TV channel lineup.  —  Instead of subscribing to a service from a cable, satellite or phone company that might offer you hundreds of channels you'll never watch …
Society for New Communications Research:
Society for New Communications Research Launches  —  International, Multidisciplinary Consortium to Study the Impact of New Media & Participatory Communications  —  The Society will study the impact of emerging modes of communication such as blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, videocasts …
Ross Fadner / MediaPost Publications:
'05 Proving To Be Worst Newspaper Year Since Recession  —  IT'S OFFICIAL: 2005 WILL BE the newspaper industry's worst year since the last ad industry recession.  And things aren't looking much better for next year either, according to a top Wall Street firm's report on newspaper publishing.
John Borland / ZDNet:
Ad dollars for the Star Wars Kid? … Forget Google.  The Internet's real killer app has always been the strange little amateur videos, like the Star Wars Kid or the Numa Numa Dance, that find explosive popularity almost overnight.  —  A new company launching Monday in Los Angeles …
Elinor Mills / CNET
Google hiring like it's 1999  —  It may take a village to raise a child, as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton likes to say.  But it looks like it's going to take quite a bit more than that to fulfill the Google dream of one day indexing all the world's information for that little tyke.
Bill Day /
What You Get When You Get Permission  —  WhenU's Bill Day talks about the benefits of getting — and keeping — consumer permission in marketing — interactive and otherwise.  —  My windshield is really dirty.  I keep meaning to take care of it every time I get gas, but I've been busy.
The Register:
Telefonica grabs O2 from under T-Mobile's nose  —  It isn't exactly a secret to anybody who has watched the routine visits between O2 directors and Telefonica - the Spanish telecoms giant has been reluctantly courting the former BT subsidiary for a year or more, simply to keep the Spanish Government happy.

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More Items:

Varun Dubey /
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Technology: An Overview
Dee-Ann Durbin / Associated Press:
Ford to Debut Pickup With Mobile Office
Arshad Mohammed / Washington Post:
FCC Approves Verizon, SBC Mergers
Discussion: Daily Wireless
Bob Tedeschi / New York Times:
Newspaper Ad Circulars Find Their Way Online
Chris Kohler / Wired News:
Look Out, Mario Gets Funky
Paul Montgomery / Tinfinger:
HUAR: Humans United Against Robots
Daniel McGinn / Wired News:
Skin City … Danny Ting is staring at his latest delivery from Netflix.
Discussion: GrafoDexia
Warren McLaren / Treehugger:
Sunball - the World's First "Solar Appliance"?
Discussion: WorldChanging and Gizmodo

Earlier Picks:

Josh Ray / OhGizmo!:
World's Most Powerful Subwoofer!
Discussion: Gizmodo
Loren / Incremental Blogger:
Targeting Tablets to small businesses
Pre-Loaded Maps in a Pocket PC
Discussion: and Engadget
Phone Scoop:
Helio's First Phone Announced
greg hughes:
WOW!! I just played games on an XBOX 360
Managing Murphy's Law on Mars
Tim / O'Reilly Radar:
Google Print Debate on Farber's IP List
Stephen Shankland / CNET
Google throws bodies at OpenOffice
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