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First Screen Shot of Sphere — Launched: Private Beta Launch this Weekend — Status: Funded by Doug MacKenzie, Kevin Compton, Phil Black, Will Hearst, David Mahoney, Vince Vannelli and Mike Winton — I met with Tony Conrad, one of the founders of Sphere, today at our office (ok …

Refco Starts to Unwind Business — The Refco crisis intensified, with banks and securities firms scrambling to see if an outright failure could be averted. Refco began unwinding customer positions. The CFTC reiterated that it only regulates Refco business of futures trading on exchanges.

Ink and Paper or 1s and 0s? — Nervous, Newspapers Look to Technology for Alternate Ways to Put the News in Your Hands — Would you be reading this story if it were displayed on a 2-by-2-inch screen on your BlackBerry? — How about if it were electronically printed on a video scroll …

Yahoo Said to Join AOL's Suitors — NEW YORK - Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) is considering buying a stake in America Online Inc., joining other Internet powerhouses interested in the company's Web portal, a person close to the talks said Friday. — The discussions were described …

Unused Potential in Online Classified Ads — Dramatic gaps exist between the classified offerings of large newspaper publishers, smaller publishers and online-only players, suggesting that newspapers are missing the opportunity to use audio, video and other technologies.

Bubble 2.0 - The Long Tail of Supply — Bubble 2.0 aka Web 2.0 is upon is. Like every bubble, there will be opportunities to create great fortunes, opportunities to lose such fortunes before spending them, plain old opportunities to lose money, chances to get funding to do cool things …

How Much Bandwidth is Enough? — The debate over how much bandwidth is necessary and which network architecture is best optimized for its delivery is far from over. In fact, as internet-based applications proliferate, the challenges facing network operators are multiplying like Moore's Law.

Grandma's Two Days With MTV: The Partial Story — The folks from MTV Overdrive were out to film Grandma for their show "Obsessed" yesterday and Tuesday. There is much to say about the experience, and that's leaving out all the stuff that we can't mention until the show airs.
AFK Gamer

New IE, Media Player Features Expected to Debut in Windows Vista Refresh — Testers will soon have a new Community Technology Preview build, the second one that Microsoft has issued for its next-gen Windows client. Beta 2 is looking like December, sources say.

EA AND STEVEN SPIELBERG TEAM UP TO DEVELOP — THREE ORIGINAL VIDEOGAMES — LOS ANGELES, CALIF., - October 14, 2005 - In a ground-breaking long term agreement, Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that Academy Award® winner Steven Spielberg will be collaborating …

Mystery donor gives Stanford free Yahoo music — Students at Stanford University will get a year of free digital music, thanks to a gift from an anonymous donor to the college. — Beginning next week, Stanford will join a growing number of other colleges around the country in promoting …

Emap buys internet fashion firm — Media group Emap has snapped up internet fashion and retail information group Worth Global Style Network (WGSN) for £140m ($245m). — Emap described subscription-based as "the leading international online source of fashion and apparel intelligence in the retail sector".

The Life — I suspect that many Mac users — as well as some aspiring developers — have only a half-conceived notion of the economics involved with becoming a successful indie Mac developer. — The basic idea is that a developer comes up with an idea for an app, implements it, ships it …

Intelliseek, AOL in Blog Content Deal — AOL and Intelliseek on Monday plan to unveil a blog content deal. Sue MacDonald at Intelliseek confirmed that the deal - set to be announced Monday at 7:30 a.m. - will give AOL access to rich blog data that they will deliver to consumers.