
Tech Web, page A1 … for 12:10 PM ET, October 5, 2005
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Top Items:
Yahoo and Upcoming, Sitting In A Tree  —  Two years ago, I launched and announced it to the world.  Today, along with my partners Gordon Luk and Leonard Lin, I'm unbelievably proud to announce that is now a member of the Yahoo! family.  —  I've always had a warm and fuzzy feeling about Yahoo.
Yahoo! Search blog:
What's Upcoming at Yahoo! Local  —  As readers of the Yahoo! Search blog know, our vision is a far-reaching one — to enable people to find, use, share, and expand all human knowledge.  —  Events are a particularly exciting area of human knowledge — chock full of rich local, social, and temporal data.
¿Y!  Tu? (aka Holy Schmoly, aka Leeerrooooy Jeeenkinns)  —  (links filled as they come, check out the upcoming update, refresh css)  —  It seems like the cool thing for all my friends to do these days is to announce that they're now working for Yahoo! I think you know where this is heading …
Discussion: ben barren
Getluky /
Yahoo! Acquires  —  Today marks the day that Yahoo! has officially acquired  Here's the official announcement, which covers the basics: … Tackling the tricky problems behind events is a worthy challenge.  Many sites make an attempt to be a calendar on the Internet …
Discussion: pc4media and ben barren
Michael Liedtke /
Yahoo Inc. Acquires  —  Yahoo Inc. Acquires Event Planning Site  —  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Yahoo Inc. has acquired, an online event planning site that's expected to infuse the Internet powerhouse with more content about local communities.
Michael Bazeley / SiliconBeat:
An "eventful" day  —  With the Web 2.0 conference getting under way today, there'll be tons of news about new companies.  One company to present today is Zevents.  Founded by Ethan Stock and Tyler Kovacs, the private company says its mission "to be the best way to find events online.
Discussion: WeBreakStuff and Tony Gentile
Greg Reinacker / Greg Reinacker's Weblog:
NewsGator acquires NetNewsWire  —  The rumors and stories this morning are true...NewsGator has acquired NetNewsWire.  Here's the press release, and a Q&A about the deal.  This is awesome news - we're all very excited about it!  —  The rationale here is similar to what I posted about the FeedDemon deal.
Ed Bott / Ed Bott's Windows Expertise:
Single-play DVDs?  It's a hoax  —  On the Internet, a hoax can spread just as fast as a genuine news story.  That's the lesson from the bogus story published in an obscure UK business magazine yesterday that claimed Microsoft is about to unleash a new single-play DVD format.
Carlo / Techdirt:
Sun Welcomes You To 1999 With Its Google Non-Announcement  —  from the i'm-forever-blowing-bubbles dept.  —  The rumor mill's been working overtime the last few days as hype built up surrounding an announcement from Google and Sun.  Much of the speculation was that they'd announce some type …
Kasper Jade /
Apple planning launch of video iPod  —  Apple Computer has begun production of a new version of its iPod digital music player that will be capable of playing videos, AppleInsider has learned.  —  Reliable sources believe the iPod could be introduced as early as next week …
Sprint Nextel Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit  —  Sprint Nextel Files Lawsuit Against Vonage, Voiceglo and for Infringing Seven Patents  —  Media Contact:  —  Debra Peterson, 913-794-3765  —  Sprint Nextel Corp. (NYSE: S) today announced one of its subsidiaries filed …
Mary Jo Foley /
'GoogleOffice': A Microsoft Office Killer?  —  If 'GoogleOffice' ever materializes, it won't be going head-to-head with Microsoft Office.  Instead, expect some new MSN services in the pipeline to emerge as Redmond's secret weapons.  —  To hear Sun, Google and the Anything But Microsoft campers tell it …
Dave Winer / Dave Winer's RSS Weblog:
Editorial: Ning harkens back to 1999  —  Here's the scene.  Team of famous entrepreneurs raises a huge pile of VC, with a very vague idea what the product will be.  They have a series of off-sites and put up lists of "ideas" on flipcharts.  The ideas are actually products that other people came up with and sold to Yahoo or Microsoft.

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More Items:

Dave Winer / Dave Winer's RSS Weblog:
Editorial: Google diversifies, opportunity for upstarts
Matt Marshall / SiliconBeat:
Andreessen's Ning unveiled
New battery technology powers for 12 years
Discussion: Things That
Evan Ratliff / New Yorker:
Michael Singer / CNET
Dell offers an open-source PC
Discussion: technology filter and Gizmodo
Henry Blodget / Internet Outsider:
Microsoft to Kill Google? No.
Future mobiles to get chip boost
Matt Marshall / Yahoo! News:
Start-up getting financing for fingerprint technology

Earlier Picks:

Katie Marsal /
Gap Inc. locks Safari users out of clothing sites
Barb Dybwad / Engadget:
HOW-TO: Set up keyless entry to your house via your cellphone
Barry Fox /
Invention: Personal crash alarm
Discussion: Smart Mobs
John C. Dvorak / PC Magazine:
The Future of Advertising  —  Advertisers in a computer magazine …
Discussion: OpsanBlog
Musicians tell how to beat system
Discussion: TeleRead
Software Journal:
Google introduces auto save for email composing
Patrick Phillips /
John Battelle: 'Traditional Media Are Fearful of Google and Yahoo'
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