Top Items:

Google Confirms Free San Francisco WiFi Plans — Google is making a bid to build a San Francisco-wide free wifi network, according to company officials. The company today filed documents in response to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's request for information for the city wide network.

Wireless access for all? — Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF — Google Inc. has proposed to blanket San Francisco with free wireless Internet access, placing a marquee name behind Mayor Gavin Newsom's effort to get all residents online whether they are at home, in a park or in a cafe.

Google proposes free Wi-Fi for San Francisco — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Marking its biggest step into the wireless communications market to date, Google Inc. said on Friday it has proposed to provide free wireless Internet services across the city of San Francisco.

Campers want electronic creature comforts — Gameboys or Wi-Fi, campers in the wilds aren't willing to leave their gadgets at home. — The Orlando Sentinel — ORLANDO, Fla. — The satellite dish signals one thing: This is no ordinary camper. — While other campers are riding bikes …

Get in on the CustomScoop Blog/News Search Private Beta — I am testing a new free tool from CustomScoop that searches both news and blog sites and delivers results in aggregate. So far it looks promising. The beta is by invitation only. However, they are inviting my readers to take a test drive.

The Raven X41 Linux Tablet PC by EmperorLinux — Linux has matured greatly on the desktop, but it's still mostly an also-ran in the laptop space, mainly due to that crazy specialized hardware that manufactures put into their portables—like batteries. The Tablet PC brings a whole 'nother batch …
Life On the Wicked Stage

What Is Web 2.0 — Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software — The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. Many people concluded that the web was overhyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear …

Yahoo preparing announcement on blog search — Look for Yahoo! to unveil a response to Google's blog search early next week. This from Bradley Horowitz, director of tech development in the company's search group. He wouldn't provide details in advance. And it could be that Yahoo's announcement …

After the VON Blur - A wrap-up — One week after the Fall VON 2005 I finally have some time left to get my act together and to make a wrap-up from this outstanding event. First of all I want to congratulate Jeff, Carl, Diana and the rest of the crew for the perfect organization …
VoIP Watch

Microsoft Technical Beta Invitation for Office "12" Sent — Due to your interest in Microsoft Office Systems, the Microsoft Office Product Team would like to invite you to complete a brief nomination survey to be used in selecting participants for the Office "12" Technical beta.
Microsoft Watch

Eye-Popping Streaming Film Debuts — What do high-definition video of seafloor volcanoes and avant-garde Japanese digital cinema have in common? They're both examples of the kinds of bandwidth-intensive information that can be streamed live from remote locations, over ultra-fast optical networks.

Hackers fail to break into Via's StrongBox — SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 (IDG NEWS SERVICE) - KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Hackers at a security conference here failed to break into Via Technologies Inc.'s StrongBox security application during a competition, Via officials said today …