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Managing Google's Idea Factory — Marissa Mayer helps the search giant out-think its rivals — In late 1998, when Marissa Mayer first heard about a small outfit called Google, she barely batted an eye. The Stanford University grad student was urged by her adviser to pay a visit to two guys …
Worker Bees Blog

Labels hit back at Apple, now want share of iPod revenues — Apple and the major record labels have been cruising towards a confrontation over iTunes Music Store pricing for months now, and one label head, namely Warner Music Group CEO Edgar Bronfman is responding angrily to Stevie J's comments last week about "greedy" record labels.

'Mousewives' drive the net revolution — TIME was when the matriarchal role involved educating the children through teatime TV, taking them to the doctor to treat a mystery malaise, and administering the odd clip around the ear. — But the traditional housewife has been transformed …
Om Malik's Broadband Blog

More colleges offer gaming theory courses — TROY, New York (AP) — Down the hall, college students study steel design and software engineering. In Shawn Lawson's classroom, they learn how to digitally animate a ball bouncing through a flaming hoop. — "We need to give him a real squish …

It only takes one asshat to ruin it for everybody. Okay, for me. — I got an email from the folks running the Serenity screenings. I am not a happy man any more. … No reservation, just the opportunity to go show up and hope for a seat? Wow! Tell me more!
Things That

How to Set Up Backup 3 and Save Your Data — I've been fascinated with Apple's backup software since its early release. Back in 2003, I wrote an article titled "802.11, .Mac, Backup—All Coming Together" that discussed how WiFi and .Mac provided laptop users with flexible backup options.

Ricoh GR Digital Camera Preview — Introduction — Some time ago we were informed about a new digital camera. In all these years since we have been around we have seen quite a number of cameras, and to be honest, most of them are not that exciting at all.

PSPPDF Released — We have just received an email from a user who wishes to remain anonymous as he says he did not make this program. Needless to say, finally a PDF reader for the PSP has been released and users everywhere are sure to be thankful. Here is an excerpt from the email: " — Hey,
I4U News

THE WEB 2.0 IS HERE — Web 2.0 is white hot at the moment, and not just because of the hype, but because of the insane amount of stuff that's being built for it right now. — I know, I know. It sounds like the Cluetrain Manifesto all over again. Well, it kinda is.

social networking — Call of the Wild — Inspired by the ability of the mobile phone to enhance polygamous activity through non-verbal, silent phone messaging, True Blue Love, a mobile phone social networking experience, is designed to explore the politics behind intimate phone-based relations.

Massachusetts Finalizes Plans to Phase Out Microsoft Office — In a first for a U.S. state, executive branch agencies will adopt the OpenDocument standard by 2007. — The state of Massachusetts has finalized a proposed move to an open, nonproprietary format for office documents …
technology filter

How will Linux be leveraged in next-gen supercomputers? — Linux is at the top of the world's Top 500 List of World's Fastest Supercomputers, but does it have what it takes to stay there? — IBM and the United States stole the top slot last November when the BlueGene/L system running Linux …
Smart Mobs