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Google Print and the Authors Guild — Today we learned that the Authors Guild filed a lawsuit to try to stop Google Print. We regret that this group chose to sue us over a program that will make millions of books more discoverable to the world — especially since any copyright holder can exclude their books from the program.

Authors Guild sues Google over library project — The Authors Guild on Tuesday filed a class action lawsuit against search engine Google, alleging that its scanning and digitizing of library books constitutes a "massive" copyright infringement. — As part of its Google Print Library Project …
Boing Boing,,,, The Voice of Online …, Techdirt, LawGeek, TeleRead, RatcliffeBlog, Slashdot and HorsePigCow

Authors Guild Sues Google, Citing "Massive Copyright Infringement" — NEW YORK — The Authors Guild and a Lincoln biographer, a children's book author, and a former Poet Laureate of the United States filed a class action suit today in federal court in Manhattan against Google …
Search Engine Watch Blog

Microsoft Realigns for Next Wave of Innovation and Growth — CEO Ballmer appoints presidents of three core divisions; Allchin announces retirement plan. — REDMOND, Wash. — Sept. 20, 2005 — In order to drive greater agility in the execution of its software and services strategy …

Microsoft to reorg; Allchin to retire — update Microsoft on Tuesday announced a sweeping reorganization of the company into three new divisions, a shift that will lead to the retirement of long-time Windows development chief Jim Allchin. — The plan calls for a reorganization of Microsoft …

Why I Fear Google WiFi — Google's (Nasdaq: GOOG) got tongues wagging again. Today, speculation's buzzing that the firm is going to roll out its own wireless Internet service, possibly called "Google WiFi." This is an old rumor, actually, but it's gained new fuel with the discovery …
John Battelle's Searchblog, Mark Evans, Engadget, Blog Consulting …, bopuc/weblog, GoogleRumors and I4U News

Google fanning gossip flames — Free national wireless Internet network rumored — Google Inc., a frequent focus of rumors, has got the Silicon Valley's speculation mill turning again. — This time, the popular Mountain View search engine company is said to be planning a free national wireless Internet network.

FeedBurner Aggregate Statistics — It's been a while since we've discussed any broad metrics here, and nature abhors a lack of charts and graphs, so as the leaves begin to turn and the kids have head back to school, we thought we'd take a moment to reflect on a couple of interesting statistics.

Mozilla hits back at browser security claim … Mozilla 'is in much better shape' than Microsoft when it comes to fixing security problems, claims the organisation — Mozilla has reacted to a Symantec report issued on Monday which said serious vulnerabilities were being found …
Geek News Central …

Jobs: Video, Bluetooth, radio, 3G iTunes for iPod? Doubt it — And keep your "greedy" hands off my iTunes pricing model — Apple CEO Steve Jobs today gave strong hints that the company would not be looking to make a pure-play iPod phone or portable video player anytime soon.

Fewer clicks, more answers... These days, search has become such a fact of life, that everybody I talk to takes it completely for granted. — But it seems like every week I'm reminded why its so much fun working on a search engine that is used daily by millions of people …
Search Engine Roundtable

b5media Calls for Bloggers — From the moment people began to find out about b5media we've been getting regular emails from bloggers asking how they can blog for us. — We're really excited that so many want to join us at the ground level of b5 and are doing everything we possibly …
Blog Tips

Stats & Research: Research Discovers That Phones Are Phones — Only 17% of those with a mobile use their phone for anything other than to make calls or send text messages on a daily basis, avoiding the more complex features available according to research from Mobeon.