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Google prepares to launch WiFi service — LONDON (Reuters) - Online search leader Google is preparing to launch a wireless Internet service, Google WiFi, according to several pages found on the company's Web site on Tuesday. — A WiFi service, which offers a high-speed connection to the Internet …

GOOGLE PULLS THE OTHER LEG WITH SECURE ACCESS — Following the Web Accelerator debacle, Google wants another crack at your entire internet traffic. This time, its through the Google Secure Access client. — Located at, GSA connects you to a Google-run Virtual Private Network.
Techdirt, Things That, Search Engine Journal, Mashable*, Daily Wireless, Tech.Life.Blogged,, Metafilter and paradox1x

Secure Wireless Access From Google & More On GoogleNet Broadband Plans — Google Pulls The Other Leg With Secure Access from InsideGoogle covers new Google Secure Access wireless software now being offered for download, while Threadwatch and Om Malik points to the Google Reviewing Bids …

Feel Free: Opera Eliminates Ad Banner and Licensing Fee — Opera Software today permanently removed the ad banner and licensing fee from its award-winning Web browser. The ad-free, full-featured Opera browser is now available for download - completely free of charge - at

Opera to give away browser in bid to boost market share — Norwegian firm chases Firefox — A Norwegian maker of Internet browsing software hopes to imitate the success of the Firefox browser by using the same business tactic: giving the software away. — Opera Software ASA …

Movie Studios Form DRM Lab — Hollywood argues — or at least strongly implies — that technology companies could stop copyright infringement if they wanted to, but have chosen not to do so. I have often wondered whether Hollywood really believes this, or whether the claim is just a ploy to gain political advantage.

Symantec: Mozilla browsers more vulnerable than IE — Mozilla Web browsers are potentially more vulnerable to attack than Microsoft's Internet Explorer, according to a Symantec report. — But the report, released Monday, also found that hackers are still focusing their efforts on IE.

Exclusive: Viacom Close To Buying iFilm : [by Rafat Ali] Viacom, the Tom Freston part of it, is buying iFilm, the online movie-related and broadband content website, has learned. The deal, which is still being finalized, will be announced in the next week or so...the final sale price will stack up around $50 million.

Accelerating Change 2005 — After the PDC last week I went up to Palo Alto to give a talk at the Accelerating Change conference. This year's theme was Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence Amplification. The first speaker was Vernor Vinge1, a mathematician, computer scientist, and science fiction author.
Geeking with Greg

The Newest Front in the Online Wars: Splogs — YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE a denizen of the blog world to understand what a "splog" is, but it won't be long before it enters your lingua franca in the same frame of reference as spam, click fraud, and spyware. — A splog is a spam blog—that is …

How We'll Get Back to the Moon — Before the end of the next decade, NASA astronauts will again explore the surface of the moon. And this time, we're going to stay, building outposts and paving the way for eventual journeys to Mars and beyond. There are echoes of the iconic images of the past …