Top Items:

Full text of Gates email, Ozzie memo — Something weird happened just before midnight Eastern time, first the Wall Street Journal, then the NY Times, then the Seattle Post-Intelligencer all had reports on a memo leaked from inside Microsoft that was sent to top management and direct reports …
Things That, Mark Evans, Rough Type, Burningbird, Keep Trying, The Doc Searls Weblog,, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, John Battelle's Searchblog, Don Dodge on The Next …, Alex Barnett blog, Read/Write Web, TechBlog, Web 2.0 Explorer, Paul Kedrosky's …, JD on MX, Niall Kennedy's Weblog, Susan Mernit's Blog, B.L. Ochman's weblog, IP Democracy, Microsoft Watch, BASEMENT.ORG and What Do You Care …

Internet Services Crucial, Microsoft Memos Say — SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8 - Microsoft must fundamentally alter its business or face being at a significant competitive disadvantage to a growing array of companies offering Internet services, according to memorandums written by two of the company's top executives.

Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes — Aiming to stir up the same kind of momentum as his Internet Tidal Wave memo of a decade earlier, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has penned a memo outlining the challenges Microsoft faces from a host of online competitors.

Gates/Ozzie challenge Microsoft to "alter its business"
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Google Automat to Spew Classifieds? — Google's rumored classifieds service is not only in the works, it's patent-pending, according to analyst firm Classified Intelligence. — Analyst John Zappe discovered the patent application, which includes screen shots for Google Purchases …
The Voice of Online …

The Digital Hollywood Conference Coverage is sponsored by PaymentOne — Earnings: Profits Dip, Sales Higher: Cinese online media company said its Q3 profits slipped despite higher has net earnings of $8.03 million, down 3.6% from $8.33 million in the year-ago period.

But is it open? — Rafat has a few more details or prognostications …

Wireless Carriers Announce "Wireless Content Guidelines" — WASHINGTON, DC-CTIA- The Wireless Association®, in partnership with the nation's leading carriers, today unveiled the "Wireless Content Guidelines," a voluntary pledge by the industry to proactively provide tools and controls …

Curry in Podcast Convention Clash — The Portable Media Expo kicks off Friday in Ontario, California, with all the earmarks of success. But the proceedings could see some last-minute competition from one of the biggest names in the fast-growing podcasting business: former MTV VJ Adam Curry.

Hacking Memeorandum: More Proof That Algorithms Don't Work — Tara "Miss Rogue" Hunt, Alex Barnett and Ben Barren have been hacking Memeorandum - trying to get a post to appear on the front page of the automated news site by gaming the system. And it appears to have worked.

Hacking Memeorandum in Three Easy Steps
Alex Barnett blog

Why Should I Trust Microsoft with My Attention Metadata? — Who would you rather have keep a database of your attention metadata: Microsoft or a complete stranger? — For me the answer is easy: not Microsoft. — You see, Microsoft has so damaged my trust over the past decade …

My Dinner With Google — I Typed 'tofu oranges cauliflower,' And My Computer Concocted a Meal — For more than a year, a package of Cambodian tapioca sticks sat in my pantry unopened. Then one evening, I Googled my noodles and ate them. — Google, t he almighty Web search engine …

Visto Secures Additional $70 Million Financing From New and Existing Investors — Strong Investor Support Positions Company To Drive Mass Adoption of Mobile Email — REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - November 9, 2005 - Visto Corporation, the world's leading provider of secure mobile push email …

The TV Show Download Bunkum — Rationality is the first victim of panic. And right now what I see all around me is a panic driven, knee jerk reactions by media giants to the world which is spiraling out of their control. The perfect example of this panic-driven move is today's announcement from CBS and NBC.

Are You Infected by Sony-BMG's Rootkit? — As we've mentioned before, Sony-BMG has been using copy-protection technology called XCP in its recent CDs. You insert your CD into your Windows PC, click "agree" in the pop up window, and the CD automatically installs software that uses rootkit techniques to cloak itself from you.

Save a CEO. Don't post today. — Oddly (or perhaps not), I didn't get my hard copy of the November 14 Forbes — the one with the above cover story — until a couple days ago. I recoiled when I saw it; not only because of its POW! WHAM! graphic, but because I hadn't seen that THEY DESTROY BRANDS AND WRECK LIVES subhead before.

Blogging For Fun And Profit — Startups can start good buzz on the blogosphere — if they're careful … Allison Gower was already running two companies, one a promotional packaging outfit and the other an advertising startup called qtags. So she had plenty of doubts when she sat …

Apple Preparing Full Assault on Microsoft - Virtual Machine War? — Yesterday an interesting news item on the Net aligned with a previously published statement about Apple's ultimate intentions behind the Intel switch. A reliable source had told Architosh prior to the highly anticipated …