Top Items:
John Battelle / John Battelle's Searchblog:
ALEXA (MAKE THAT AMAZON) LOOKS TO CHANGE THE GAME — (This will be updated when the service goes live, I was briefed and the embargo was 9 pm PST...) — Every so often an idea comes along that has the potential to change the game. When it does, you find yourself saying - "Sheesh, of course that was going to happen.
Richard MacManus / Read/WriteWeb:
Alexa turned into web service - Amazon back to its innovative best — John Battelle has just posted that Amazon is opening up its Alexa search and statistics data to the world! According to John, Alexa has about 5 billion documents in its index, which is about 100 terabytes of data.
Mylene Mangalindan / Wall Street Journal:
Amazon Revs Its Search Engine — Alexa Unit Will Provide — More Specialized Data — For Software Developers — An Inc. unit plans to allow software and Web developers to request customized data searches when it scans the Web to seek new information …
Om Malik on Broadband:
Amazon's Alexa Commoditizes Search — About a month ago Nicholas Carr suggested that Internet search was fast becoming a commodity, because there was very little differentiation between MSN, Yahoo or Google. That's why all the action around toolbars, desktop widgets and desktop search.
PodTech Comments …
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Alexa Totally Gets It, Opens Up API — John Battelle has the scoop - Alexa is making its dataI available on the Web Services platform, and it's a really big deal. — Amazon's Alexa is opening up its 5 billion web documents and 100 terabytes of data to anyone who wants to use it.
Software Only
Brendon Connelly / Slacker Manager:
The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users — First things first, real quick like. At it's core, is a place where you can store your bookmarks and get to them from anywhere you can find an internet connection. Accounts are free, get yours today.
Om Malik on Broadband:
Like Yahoo, SIPphone offers Penny A Minute Calling — Yahoo was the first one to launch a salvo at Skype by offering a penny-a-minute calling, betting that its low price offering would help it gain market share and lure users away from Skype. (Service will be available next year... but the press release is already out!)
Loren / Incremental Blogger:
A Tablet search tool — Here's another one of those hard-hat projects I've been working on that you might want to try out. It's a web page that contains a TIP in which you can launch a search. I call it SearchTIP. Here's the link. — If you go to the above link it'll take you to the following page:
John Leyden / The Register:
This SMS will self-destruct in 40 seconds — A UK developer has come up with a "self-destruct" text messaging service it hopes will prove a hit with both businessmen dealing with sensitive information and celebrity love cheats. StealthText from Staellium UK is positioned as a means to give …
Loren Baker / Search Engine Journal:
Blog Ads, MSNBC and the Porn Valley Advertisement — Blog Ads, MSNBC and the Porn Valley Advertisement — As I'm sure many of our readers have noticed, there is currently (as of 10:09 EST 12/12/2005) an advertisement running on the left side of the Search Engine Journal which reads "Porn Valley."
Discussion:,, Blog Tips at ProBlogger, Gary Stein and Blog Search Engine
Susan Cheever / Newsday:
Just Google 'thou shalt not steal' — It's late at night, and you are in the bedroom cruising auction sites for furniture on the Internet. You should go to sleep, but you don't. Then you see them, the pair of chairs from your own living room. They are for sale by someone in New Jersey, but they are your chairs.
Fred / A VC:
Online Backup's Inflection Point — I have been a fanatic about backing up my hard disk since the mid 80s after losing a month's work on a year end paper in a hard disk crash. Scars like that don't heal. They stay front and center and result in an obsession about being backed up.
Wall Street Journal:
HarperCollins Plans to Control Its Digital Books — In the latest salvo in the fight over the future of books on the Internet, one of the country's biggest publishers said it intends to produce digital copies of its books and then make them available to search services offered by such companies …
news, politics, jobs …:
Outlook: Time to Undo the Merger? — AOL Co-Founder/Chairman and CEO of Revolution LLC — Six years ago, Steve Case helped bring about what was widely hailed as the "merger of the century," combining his company, AOL, with media giant Time Warner. Now, he thinks it's time to undo it.
business2blog, Get Real, InfoWorld,, Internet Outsider, Things That, David Card, Susan Mernit's Blog and Northern Telecom
Matt / Blog Network Watch:
Blog Network List launches overall Blog & Blog Network Ranks — We're pleased to announce the launch of new overall blog & blog network rankings over at Blog Network List! — We have taken each of our individual metrics for blogs and blog networks and ranked them from lowest to highest.