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Road to Expo: Reborn Mac mini set to take over the living room — November 29, 2005 - Apple's Mac mini will be reborn as the digital hub centerpiece it was originally conceived to be, Think Secret sources have disclosed. The new Mac mini project, code-named Kaleidoscope …

Google, Microsoft to Go Hard After Classifieds — Google is preparing to make a hard push into the classified ad space, according to this job listing. The job opening seems to confirm earlier rumors around "Google Automat," a service that could tie into the Google Base database service and "Google Purchases."

Spitzer Gets on Sony BMG's Case — New York's Attorney General has turned his attention to Sony BMG's copyright-protection fiasco — Sony BMG Music Entertainment is getting a lot of unwanted attention for its use of copyright-protection software that left CD users open to computer viruses.

New Orleans's New Connection — City-Owned WiFi System To Be Announced Today — Hurricane-ravaged New Orleans will deploy the nation's first municipally owned wireless Internet system that will be free for all users, part of an effort to jump-start recovery by making living and doing business in the city as attractive as possible.
Daily Wireless, IP Democracy, Ernie The Attorney, Lost Remote TV Blog and Guardian Unlimited

OK, let's stop the bubble machine right now — Om... you know I love you, but this is absurd. Like really, really crazy. Weblogs, Inc. was bought by AOL because of revenue and revenue growth. Eyeballs and pageviews had nothing to do with it—zero. No one in the marketplace is buying things based on eyeballs—no one.

Cyber Monday, Marketing Myth — Despite a huge amount of hype, the Monday after Thanksgiving is historically only the12th-biggest online shopping day of the year — Do a Google search on "Cyber Monday," and you get as many as 779,000 results. Not a bad haul for a term that was created …
business2blog, Techdirt, Cymfony's Marketing Insight, The Stalwart, Fast Company Now and @ Alex Moskalyuk Online

Sun urges US state to reject Microsoft open format — Sun has urged the state of Massachusetts to rethink its opinion that Microsoft's Open XML meets the acceptable parameters for an open format — In a letter signed by the director of corporate standards for Sun, Carl Cargill …

Dispelling the Myth of Readership Decline — NEW YORK For years, publishers have relied — often to their detriment — upon the metric of paid circulation. But circulation for the core product has been on a long, steady decline, causing some to suggest that print is on its way out.

Surprise! Computer scientists model the exclamation point — Two Southern California engineers have created a mathematical theory of surprise, working from first principles of probability theory applied to a digital environment — and the results of experiments recording eye movements of volunteers watching video seem to confirm it.

Picking the cable channel you want — Report: FCC is expected to back 'a la carte' pricing in the industry, instead of bundled channels. — NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Federal Communications Commission is expected to suggest that cable companies could best serve their customers by allowing …
michael parekh on IT, Techdirt, Geek News Central …, Good Morning Silicon Valley and Techdirt

Windows Vista Beta 1 vs. Mac OS X "Tiger" (Part 2) — In part one of my comparison of Windows Vista Beta 1 and Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger," I looked at three key aspects of each system: Look and feel, desktop search, and data visualization and organization. For the most part …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog

What's the buzz? Teens can't stand it — BARRY, Wales—Though he did not know it at the time, the idea came to Howard Stapleton when he was 12 and visiting a factory with his father, a manufacturing executive in London. — Opening the door to a room where workers were using high-frequency …

Xbox does second round of 360s — Those who missed out on the early Xbox 360 mania may get a second chance this week to find the new game system in stores. — Meanwhile, among those who managed to purchase the first systems, a small percentage already are shipping them back to Microsoft for repairs.

Google Tests Pay-Per-Call Ads — Search giant joins AOL, Verizon, and Yahoo in interest in new ad model. — Google has begun testing pay-per-phone-call ads, an emerging online ad model that is a twist on the popular pay-per-click ads. — While pay-per-click ads link users with advertisers' Web sites …
Shore Communications Inc., Techdirt, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Metafilter and

PSP Update 2.6: Podcasting (RSS) and WMA Music Support! — Sony just released a new firmware update v2.6 for the PSP with RSS(!) and Windows Music support. I'm downloading it to try now, but I think this is a pretty cool update. I have to say, besides Sony's insistence on hammering the homebrew scene …
Discussion:, a shel of my former self, Niall Kennedy's Weblog, PSP Fanboy and Micro Persuasion

ANIME EXPLOSION — It's... Profitmón! — From Pokémon to Full Metal Panic, the anime industry is doing everything the rest of show biz isn't: embracing technology, coddling fans—and making a killing. — It was 2 a.m. when John Ledford heard the banging at his door.